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Status Updates posted by Urak'lur

  1. back, should be ready to play soon....miss my fellow urks :) keep it real boys!

    1. VonAulus


      Never met you but welcome back.


    2. bungo
    3. craotor


      Holy **** are you back from deployment?

  2. came on just to see what's up...God it's been a while, fun times RPing, has it changed since two years ago?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AgentSunny
    3. Desires


      Everything.. And the word 'edgy'.

    4. Tom_Whiteman



  3. its been ages what is up dude, hopefully ill get back soon

  4. jesus its been a while :) how u holdin up niggs?

  5. nahh i got shorted with my company....just staying here for a while...its all good tho...time to get back to college and be a civilian again freedom! :)

  6. not yet...in NYC since august..i was all over the place...producing, spinning, training now back to college...miserable miserable college lol i should be getting back on to this in a few

  7. Will catch up soon! Training is all finished...finished last year, and back to the writing and music career....rarely have time to play but i just remembered how much fun things used to be and decided to pop back on :) hope all is well brother! speak soon!

  8. Yeah i should be on soon eventually... i go to St Francis College in Brooklyn, didnt go away for college mite be transferring soon though...its a big pain in the ass

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