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Status Updates posted by Urak'lur

  1. came on just to see what's up...God it's been a while, fun times RPing, has it changed since two years ago?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. AgentSunny
    3. Desires


      Everything.. And the word 'edgy'.

    4. Tom_Whiteman



  2. back, should be ready to play soon....miss my fellow urks :) keep it real boys!

    1. VonAulus


      Never met you but welcome back.


    2. bungo
    3. craotor


      Holy **** are you back from deployment?

  3. jesus its been a while :) how u holdin up niggs?

  4. its been ages what is up dude, hopefully ill get back soon

  5. not yet...in NYC since august..i was all over the place...producing, spinning, training now back to college...miserable miserable college lol i should be getting back on to this in a few

  6. nahh i got shorted with my company....just staying here for a while...its all good tho...time to get back to college and be a civilian again freedom! :)

  7. Yeah i should be on soon eventually... i go to St Francis College in Brooklyn, didnt go away for college mite be transferring soon though...its a big pain in the ass

  8. Will catch up soon! Training is all finished...finished last year, and back to the writing and music career....rarely have time to play but i just remembered how much fun things used to be and decided to pop back on :) hope all is well brother! speak soon!

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