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About Cyndikate

  • Birthday 01/17/1990

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  1. How does one not be edgy?

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    2. monkeypoacher


      What falkor said, but to avoid terminal edge, try to fear and comply with authority and avoid hoods.

      Edgy basically means non-medieval/GoT-y in human cliques, but in the elven ones it's more specific of those who repeatedly refuse to listen to authority and start fights.

      TL;DR fit into a LoTR setting making a character that would logically exist in high fantasy.

    3. Samler


      I made tea once, this guy claimed I was edgy. The moral of the story, you look silly when you accuse yourself of silly things.

    4. Cyndikate


      If thats the case then i guess that means that Arya Stark isnt edgy.

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