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About Cyndikate

  • Birthday 01/17/1990

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  1. Is it normal to play a character for 2 years and hasn't accomplished or risen up to anything that would set me apart from the average joe?

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    2. SodaiKamikaze


      Well, maybe you can make it your goal to accomplish something on that character and/or have your character have a period of enlightenment where they gain new views on lots of things.

    3. MetaSolaray


      MEta's over a year old all he has is his bonds with his friends and mastery over sword which is cliche, how is Meta any unique or accomplsihed then the average joe :P and i'm proud o fthat

    4. Cloakedsphere


      Is this seriously a joke? You RP a mage, assassin hunter and all the edgy stuff and do it all within 100 years of age. How is that an "Average joe?" It seems like you're looking for attention more than anything. :p (noh8.)

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