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About Cyndikate

  • Birthday 01/17/1990

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  1. Is it bad that I take my RP seriously?

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    2. Parading
    3. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I suppose it depends. I knew a specific player (I will not mention the name of) that got angry whenever the player who RPed with her did not do exactly what she wanted them to. So long as you expecting that things will not always go your way, you are good. When RPing with other players, sometimes things don't go the way you expect them to. :)

    4. gam


      Depends, Shirley. If you're simply serious about your roleplay, no. But if you find yourself either A) thinking yourself better then others because of it, or B) being angry and/or throwing a fit about something that happened in rp for more than 5 minutes, then yes, it is bad. This is simply my opinion, and is not meant to target anyone.

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