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  1. Loving the server

  2. Loving the server

  3. I Am Really Annoyed At Hiw Many Times I Get Denied

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Eleatic


      OK you did not incorporate any lore from aegis/asuora and you were missing a skin BUT i liked your application i suggest you the skin and read up on lore as i will clarify im not a memembber of the application team im just trying to help you :)

    3. Eleatic


      *embed also read up on what the person who denied you says this way you have an understanding of why the denial happened


    4. gre7


      All you really need to do is flesh out the biography a little bit, and possibly give hints that have shown you've read the lore.

  4. 4th Time's A Charm Right?

    1. Volutional


      Apparently 13th is...

  5. 4th Time's A Charm Right?

  6. I Am Hoping To Get In This Time

  7. I Am Hoping To Get In This Time

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