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Dr. Ducky-D

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Status Replies posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. B-Blood Elves...

  2. everyone's talking about Crowley and I'm just thinking of this song
  3. #Don'tFreeCrowley2014

  4. #Don'tFreeCrowley2014

  5. Think I need to stop making alts and just stick to Aengoth

  6. Can't sleep, hep me...

  7. So a snow elf said "stay frosty" in farewell. I laughed my sides off, that's just awful yet brilliant.

  8. So a snow elf said "stay frosty" in farewell. I laughed my sides off, that's just awful yet brilliant.

  9. That moment when it says 0/300, but doesn't let you get on.

  10. Things I hate: My sister watching Netflix while I'm trying to play online games.

  11. WOW! Check out what the Hegs is doing, who gave him a tablet? http://www.livestream.com/mdhegs?t=234277

  12. I recently finished the Battlefield 4 campaign... I took a moment to listen to the background music and... I heard the 1942 theme modernized! OH. MY. GOD, almost had a heart attack, amazing.

  13. I recently finished the Battlefield 4 campaign... I took a moment to listen to the background music and... I heard the 1942 theme modernized! OH. MY. GOD, almost had a heart attack, amazing.

  14. I recently finished the Battlefield 4 campaign... I took a moment to listen to the background music and... I heard the 1942 theme modernized! OH. MY. GOD, almost had a heart attack, amazing.

  15. Getting Steve skinned. Damn it.

  16. GG horse - thanks crash

  17. I got 66 rep points now... Add anothwer 6 on the end and oh God my day's seriously about to get ****ed up, isn't it? D:

  18. I got 66 rep points now... Add anothwer 6 on the end and oh God my day's seriously about to get ****ed up, isn't it? D:

  19. Happy new years. Hopefully this year was better than last

  20. Hum. today has actually been pretty stressful. Hopefully tomorow will be better.

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