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Dr. Ducky-D

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Status Replies posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. Is the server up...? :o and did we make the update?

  2. Anywhere to go RP this late?

  3. BY THE GODS! A good time to live stream and do coding! *Not a single ounce of sarcasm.*

  4. I'm glad we have so many unused plugins and not worrying about the lag problems...

  5. how do I get a gif as my profile picture to actually animate?

  6. wtf are these freakin' adds.... "LEAGUE OF ANGELS"

  7. Mods are asleep, post ponies.

  8. I'm tempted to turn into Davey Jones with my Wraith.

  9. Is this the real life?

  10. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: In what order did the Battle of Das Boot, discovery of the Hidden Scrolls, Plague, Lenfest and creation of the Holy Oren Empire occur?

  11. Can we please remove VAs already

  12. Day 2: Still waiting for my VA to get reviewed.

  13. I dare someone, draw a picture of this, or at least try. http://gyazo.com/d306e19bf55ce30824190ea501fb97e2

  14. Fantastic. Allons-y. Geronimo.

  15. I have finally figured out edgy. Edgy is what people call others who fit into the Striker role in 4E D&D, some examples. Assasin, executioner, ranger (dual blade), spellblades, sorcerer, blackguard (evil paladin), and barbarian... did I understand this right?

  16. teutons have the best castle

  17. That super awkward moment when you lose connection in a long rp fight...

  18. Dear Sariants who stole my giant boat: Thank you, I didn't know what to do with it. *Is serious, no sarcasm*

  19. Waiting for my new headset, HURRY UP UPS

  20. LoTC trivia question: Who was the first queen of Oren and how did she die?

  21. Stopping by to check up on you fellows. What's been going on for the past month?

  22. Why was Gm changed to Sm? Sm sounds like a weird disease

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