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Dr. Ducky-D

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Status Replies posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. Guys. What happened?

  2. Updated 4.0 map as of 5 minutes ago http://i.imgur.com/17vqlkP.jpg

  3. What IP is everyone using at the moment? (That is working for them)

  4. Jesus... look at all the hackers lol... watching that livestream and apparently there have been seven in total so far. Maybe eight now.

  5. I think some people just need to put a little more trust in the staff. I don't say that lightly, though, as I know how hard that may be. However, we are watching to see how our changes roll out. Things are never smooth to start off, but we will know more when they have been in affect for a couple of weeks (at least). We don't make decisions and then force you to endure them forever -- if they suck, we will adjust that decision or revert it completely. Don't worry guys!

  6. I think some people just need to put a little more trust in the staff. I don't say that lightly, though, as I know how hard that may be. However, we are watching to see how our changes roll out. Things are never smooth to start off, but we will know more when they have been in affect for a couple of weeks (at least). We don't make decisions and then force you to endure them forever -- if they suck, we will adjust that decision or revert it completely. Don't worry guys!

  7. WAIT A MOMENT! Does this mean no more magic for Antags?

  8. Well...Dangit... Magic has been let loose... So...

  9. Anyone else just hate sieges on Mount and Blade? (Unless you're defending, gotta love that stuff)

  10. Anyone else just hate sieges on Mount and Blade? (Unless you're defending, gotta love that stuff)

  11. Anyone else just hate sieges on Mount and Blade? (Unless you're defending, gotta love that stuff)

  12. Anyone else just hate sieges on Mount and Blade? (Unless you're defending, gotta love that stuff)

  13. Anyone else just hate sieges on Mount and Blade? (Unless you're defending, gotta love that stuff)

  14. So many people asking for "change" on LotC nowadays... well, here it is! http://img2-1.timeinc.net/toh/i/g/12/Home-Solutions/05-coins-uses/00-coin-uses.jpg

  15. Today, on my school bus, there was this guy.... http://imgur.com/U3vKUd5

  16. Reform the order of Rustlers

  17. Today, on my school bus, there was this guy.... http://imgur.com/U3vKUd5

  18. How's everyone doing tonight?

  19. A half-elf with a flower basket appears. "Please take this," the half-elf says and places a beautiful flower crown atop your character's head. How does your character react?

  20. Server should be back up!

  21. cybering is a sin. please stop or face death.

  22. Everyone enjoy the burning library in the Malinor camp? http://imgur.com/g2hR3mE

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