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Dr. Ducky-D

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Status Replies posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. Server down?

  2. Is it me, or do these events seem just a bit over the top? I got absolutely blasted...

  3. Is it me, or do these events seem just a bit over the top? I got absolutely blasted...

  4. Is it me, or do these events seem just a bit over the top? I got absolutely blasted...

  5. Is it me, or do these events seem just a bit over the top? I got absolutely blasted...

  6. For those who missed what happened : http://imgur.com/gFRlhfK,c6I86Z0#1

  7. For those who missed what happened : http://imgur.com/gFRlhfK,c6I86Z0#1

  8. Anyone else getting mad lag?

  9. Thinking about PKing my only current active char. Any thoughts?

  10. Death himself is scared of Salad.

  11. To answer your question, if your character has a dagger, you are edgy.

  12. *digs a hole, and commences to hide in it*

  13. Mirtok is coming back, expect the Teutonic order to be Bawz #Pwnz

  14. Hello, my LotCers! How is everyone this fine Friday?

  15. Gwonam and I were brainstorming in OOC today about a Shadow of the Colossus-like antagonists. Whatchu' guys think?

  16. The hell server? I was mugging someone :(

  17. Need to re-write raid rules...

  18. Did Titania pk?

  19. What would win, Crows or Ducks?

  20. "You are about to embark upon a great crusade"

  21. How much is anti DDOsing software?

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