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Dr. Ducky-D

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Status Replies posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. After plenty of procrastination and working at terribly picked times of the day I have finally finished my Va and posted it! *shakes in fear and anticipation*


  3. I sometimes think that when Lord of The Craft was created, they sort of took the "Rings" out from "Lord Of The Rings" and then added "Craft" In. Am I crazy for thinking this?

  4. I sometimes think that when Lord of The Craft was created, they sort of took the "Rings" out from "Lord Of The Rings" and then added "Craft" In. Am I crazy for thinking this?

  5. A friend of mine is looking for a color to dye his hair, he want me to find out a color for him and I can't figure it out for him, sooo... any ideas? Also can't do blue, purple or green!

  6. Lag OP, better nerf Irelia

  7. I swear, if 3.0 world is loaded and I can't get on, I WILL PUNCH A HOLE IN MY WALL

  8. I stopped my world conquest as the huns for... a full server. *sigh* back to Civ 5.

  9. Here comes the sun, here comes the sun~

  10. Bring on 2.5 :3

  11. Downloading Lol rightnow! Getting excited, its almost done!

  12. I miss RPing Knox...

  13. Whooo are you? Who who who who?

  14. 99 problem's and my body hurting is one...;-;

  15. We didn't start the fire...~

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