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Dr. Ducky-D

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Status Replies posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. Is the war in The Conclave over yet? xD

  2. *collapses* That journey through ban report history was gruelling.

  3. I forgot how much I love chittering with gm's they take my jokes in stride.

  4. Subundai or however it's spelt Camp - http://imgur.com/fbzznj5

  5. I swear. I can't play Hearthstone without screaming BULLSHIT every 5 seconds.

  6. In the interest of making applications more difficult a lore test may be added. This would involve a 15 page essay that outlines the history of all realms with specific reference to impacts made by races, nations, leadership, OOC drama, food supplies, antagonists and the secret Halfling conquest.

  7. I need to edit my skin so Ryllae's hair is longer. But I'm no good at skins. Anyone else good with them? lol

  8. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: In which realm did large scale potato cultivation begin?

  9. Who griefed the orcs?

  10. http://imgur.com/CjGP95m Who's more organized, Colins on the right or the Soulblades left?
  11. My character fell in love with "zomg hawt necromancer". Turns out that he's a 900 year old high elf, which is extremely old. I didn't find this out until today. I was going to confess my love to an old man. Ew.

  12. I think I broke my toe, what do I do?

  13. I think I ramble on sometimes... do I do that?

  14. I think I ramble on sometimes... do I do that?

  15. I think I have a drinking problem. I need to drink water every day!

  16. Ask not what a Klondike Bar would do for you, but what you would do for a Klondike Bar.

  17. So apparently some people hate me, thats new. As I am highly interested why, please PM me for the reason or anything I would have done?

  18. Lots of good games coming out this year. I have never had so many games I'm excited for. Hopefully they live up to their hype. 2013 seemed like a crappy gaming year!

  19. Am I an immature person...? D:>

  20. Is it wrong that I'm kinda having fun making these posts on this ban report? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/106148-ban-report-on-erik0821/page-2#entry987688

  21. Is it wrong that I'm kinda having fun making these posts on this ban report? http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/106148-ban-report-on-erik0821/page-2#entry987688

  22. 20 times 20 times

  23. Got ye ol' Avatar changed in preparation for Valentine's day! Any guesses for whom my avatar is looking so fondly at? :)

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