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Dr. Ducky-D

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Status Replies posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. teaser with no effects! GenXesis on its way! http://youtu.be/8jPvK4cyd8c

  2. did a full body of Haadi~ Kinda proud. http://i.imgur.com/2NLx6zU.jpg

  3. Can someone translate? "****** straight caught the body."

  4. Thisnis what I drink from, like a manly man. http://imgur.com/Kj5JtYZ

  5. Can someone translate? "****** straight caught the body."

  6. Can someone translate? "****** straight caught the body."

  7. Can someone translate? "****** straight caught the body."

  8. Can someone translate? "****** straight caught the body."

  9. Bloop bloop bloop bloop bloop~

  10. Let me rephrase - Don't bully community members, Guys.

  11. Stop Harshing Demo, she's got a point. :/

  12. I just got kidnapped by orcs. I was really pumped, excited. I heard good things before about their slave RP. But I ended up getting killed instead. I don't know why I bother getting my hopes up for some good villain RP...that's definitely not how I would have done it

  13. I just got kidnapped by orcs. I was really pumped, excited. I heard good things before about their slave RP. But I ended up getting killed instead. I don't know why I bother getting my hopes up for some good villain RP...that's definitely not how I would have done it

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