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Dr. Ducky-D

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Status Replies posted by Dr. Ducky-D

  1. A for Azog, amirite?

  2. LOTC Trivia Question of the Day: What Russell Crowe best known for on the server?

  3. Feeling burned out on stale RP? Don't want the stress of nation RP? Want to hang out with chill folk and have fun on the other side of Western European Medieval RP? Come join the Subudai Confederacy! http://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/105685-the-mighty-subudai-of-a-thousand-thunderous-hooves/

  4. Hunger rate should lower, so we don't plow through food.

  5. Let me put this on the record. I hate Pneumonia.

  6. So I have discovered a second grey hair in my beard. #quiteinteresting

  7. Hats off to the Azogs, for /good/ Combat/prisoner RP!

  8. The snowpocalypse in Bama is over. My dad got home yesterday afternoon after spending 30 hours trapped in his office. Nice.

  9. My skype is glitching mad balls..

  10. Anyone know a good skinner?

  11. Shrek Is Love. Shrek Is Life.

  12. That moment when you play a new character, and you go; Damn this is fun.

  13. That moment when you play a new character, and you go; Damn this is fun.

  14. To those who care... My skype account was taken over by my mother. She found somethings I did not want her to know and... Well... I'm in trouble. She proceeded to remove most everybody from my skype account and left every chat I was in. If you need me please send a forum message. I won't be able to use Skype for a while...

  15. if you're sexy, make a Halfling

  16. Now is a good time to start a halfling.

  17. don't fall asleep. don't take naps. DX

  18. If I were to make an orc, what clan is Master Race?

  19. During PVP: 'We need to RP more.' During RP "LETS GO RAID!' - Orcs. Iduts.

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