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Status Updates posted by Sargeblub

  1. Is there anywhere I can learn more about Conjuration magic?

    1. Gladuos



    2. Sargeblub
  2. The forums smell of OOC butthurt brought about by IC actions...

    1. Braxis


      *Sniffs* Where?

    2. Sargeblub


      It's all around you Uthor... you have to use your Spidey senses.

  3. Wait, I'm confused. 'Evils 1a, 3, 4ab no longer need any references. Nor do they need a VA at all anymore.' does that mean I can do those villainous acts on the server without a VA or should I make one of those 'Minor Villainry' apps?

  4. Someone sabotaged the gallows in the Rose Keep, it's about to go down.

  5. I was AFK in the Rose keep, where I belong, and I come back to see that I was drowned... No way mobs could have gotten in, so someone must have pushed my into the water, Thank you, jerk who decided to steal my items without RP.

    1. Kaiser


      :/ that sucks

    2. bungo


      you're welcome.

    3. Slic3man


      I'm not sure if you can push people around anymore, though as a I said I'm not sure.

  6. *Logs into the server, slapped in the face with so much lag that it resembles Arethor. Look around, see signs talking about killing dragons, and that emotes are broken, MFW: http://i.imgur.com/JSA9F.png

    1. Samson (Derick)

      Samson (Derick)

      inb4 political debate.

  7. I just got WoTR, and started playing... it's super fun but I'm lagging quite badly. I can run other games like ARMA 2 and Witcher 2 on high graphics but for some reason this game lags like no other on medium settings...

    1. Temp


      well, I'm retarded, what's WoTR?

    2. Temp


      War of the rose, nevermind... -sigh- dumb moment

  8. Donnie Darko was probably the weirdest movie I've ever seen... it was amazing.

    1. Rhia


      Keep looking, I think Im a cyborg but thats okay is on Netflix

    2. JCQuiinn
    3. JCQuiinn
  9. I was sitting in the third level down of the Dwarven ship, then all of a sudden, I randomly get blown up. And I'm pretty sure their ship was full of water and was still firing cannons.

  10. Almost ordered the PS3 version of Dark Souls instead of the Xbox version, crisis avoided.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Oh 3rd world problems. Oh wait..

    3. tomfaz


      I love that game. I gave up after a while though. Its an impossible game D:

    4. Sargeblub


      My mom was OK with it... victory.

  11. Whenever I run Minecraft a file named 'server.log.lck' and another file named 'server' both show up on my desktop and I can't delete them until I close Minecraft, does anyone know why this happens?

  12. Where is everyone getting these aninmated sprites for their avatars? I'm jealous.

  13. ETeam > Everyone

  14. Honestly, can someone tell me where to get these Batman belts? All of a sudden people can carry bags full of potions in RP, and they usually don't even RP having a bag.

    1. Kaiser


      I can sell them to you

      The Batman bets, that is

    2. Sargeblub


      Sweet, with my 100 skill points I just put into Herbalism I can buy one and become the best fighter ever!

  15. Can someone tell me where everyone is getting their Batman Belts? I'd like to get one.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. loakmendbe


      join #saveniedster2012 now and get your own batman utility belt *also comes with ezio springs in shoes spiderman climbing skills and also your very own ezio and altair killing skills*

    3. Abeam


      Well, I have a belt because I am the Batman.

    4. TheNander


      It's simple... We kill the batman.

  16. There's waaaaaay too many WhiteKnights on this server, it irks me.

  17. Is anyone else not able to break chests?

  18. I can't break chests for some reason...

    1. Sargeblub


      And my painting just disappeared D:

  19. Stealth is so OP, I swung at someone with a gold sword 10 times and not one of them hit him, then he vanished.

    1. MajesticOwyn


      Indeed, it seems only Arrows can work effectively and even then, they get dodged sometimes. I think the rate of dodge needs to be changed, something.

  20. My Mini VA is under review... And now I wait.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Arkelos



    3. Sargeblub


      You scared me with all those spoilers, my jimmes were nearly rustled :D

    4. Praetor


      Lucky he got their before me...-growls-

  21. All of my texture packs have the default font for some reason... Even after looking through the files in them and seeing that they have custom font the default font still shows up in game. Anyone know how to fix this? And yes, I have optifine.

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