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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. Anyone wanna play some LoL?

  2. I'ma say Azubu obviously screen peaked.


  4. Accepted lore, and I can't even boast about it in OOC. http://files.sharenator.com/wtf_is_this_shit_The_Rules_Of_Trolling_s400x297_128287_580_RE_Two_Questions-s400x297-144933.jpg (WARNING THERE IS MILD SWEARING?)

    1. danic


      We wouldn't give a crap about it anyways.

  5. Ohai science unit test, I was just going to watch the LoL season cha-- What? I need to study?

    1. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Just do what I do and make up random mnemonic devices based on what you see in the game. Example being Prokaryotes are pro so they don't need a Nucleus.

    2. Space


      I am gonig through the section in my text book that we're doing, chemistry, putting a sticky note on each page and summarizing the key points of the page. Then when I study, I'll just look at it and it's easy.

    1. ~Verye~


      That's...some sad stuff..;/ just so how cruel people can be in the world.

    2. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      That is just terrible...

    3. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)
  6. I'm thinking of collecting the links to all the honeydew applications and putting them in a gdoc, for when we are featured on yogscast.

    1. paulie


      do people really apply as honeydew?

    2. Space


      Sadly, yes. 'DIGGY DIGGY HOLE'

    3. Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Jibuis Winterborn (Vinnie)

      Give me a link, i gotta see this.

  7. I really find it offensive when people say 'The' on the forums. The is my god. He is not meant to be used in common speak. He is only to be spoken of when spoken with great respect. So please stop saying 'The', it offends me so.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lykos
    3. danic


      The the the the the the the the the the the the the

    4. Bawd


      the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the the t...

  8. Look at this BS. I engage Gauis in a political conversation and he doesn't even approve my lore. Guess I'll have to actually bribe him with something useful.

  9. Anyone wanna play some LoL? I'd prefer if you were able to draft pick mode it. I'm only leve 22, mind you.

  10. Space

    baroning so I waited and R'd over the wall, smited, Q'd, and GOT DAT STEAL. Then they forfeited. THANKS FOR LISTENING

  11. Space

    Oh my god, played my first actual draft pick mode game of LoL. Not ranked, but, it was so intense. I was captain and I ended up accidently wasting a ban, then at the beginning we wnet for a blue invade (I was Shyvana, the other jungler was Jax), and half my team ended up dying cause we met their whole team, then they went to red and I smite stealed it so hard and lived. And at the end they were

  12. You seem to be pretty edumicated, for a country yokel. What are you taking in university (or college)? And most of my opinions are derived from the various people Ii read up on and watch, don't be fooled.

  13. Then again, he pursued space because the commies were doing it too but, meh. War was the biggest factor on the development of technology in the 60's.

  14. Bay of Pigs invasion, but he was a charismatic friendly president. He pursued Space, which, in my EXPERT opinion is the most important thing Human's have right now. Space/Science. Cause without those, where are we? We're cavemen. But anyways, half my knowledge on JFK is from reading commy propoganda/COD: Black Ops, so I apologize if I get any facts wrong.

  15. I'm honoured that some probably racist-southern man thinks that about me (wit beyond measure is mans greatest treasure). JFK's presidency? I think he was a pretty good president. I think back to a video/comic from zenpencils.com (Inspiration quotes on comics).

    . JFK was one of the guys that wanted peace, truly (in my opinion). He had some hiccups, like the Ba...
  16. Their is barely even fact checking anymore. Back in the old days, before both of us were born, the debate actually meant something.

  17. The presidential/vice presidential debates are a scam. The company that runs the presidential debates is 50% democratic, 50% republic, and everything said is all scripted. There is no debate, their just restating their campaign promises which, (Obama almost certainly, Romney probably)will never be fufilled.

  18. My science teacher told me to figure out what classes I want/need for the rest of my highschool year. Grade 11 looks pretty grim: Grade 11 Physics, English, Chemistry, Math, and Gym, and Grade 12 Writing, Math, and Biology. GGGGGG.

    1. danic



    2. Space


      Oh, I am fully aware. That's why I'm taking Grade 12 math in grade 11. So I can get calculus before I learn advanced chem/physics.

  19. There I was, thinking you just clicked it cause I'm rather unpleasant to you. Thank you.

  20. Would you care to elaborate as to why you dislike my telescope lore?

  21. Would you explain why you dislike my Telescope lore, so I can improve?

  22. http://tinyurl.com/Telescopelore1 Vote, I only need a few more yeses (Unless you no.)
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