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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. You made my signature. I'm sure no Mormon would think that's a good thing, but try to, K?

  2. http://tinyurl.com/Telescopelore1 Vote, I only need a few more yeses (Unless you no.)
  3. tinyurl.com/TelescopeLore . Comments, concerns, votes for yes/no, all encouraged. I need 5 more yes votes (If I get no more no votes) to get the telescope.

  4. tinyurl.com/TelescopeLore Suggestions, concerns, comments, but mostly VOTE! YOU will decide the outcome by voting. Wellnotreallybutmeh

    1. danic


      You don't need to tiny url it... You can make an actual working link in status'...

    2. Space


      But it's easier to tell it's telescope lore.

  5. Wow, people don't like my idea? I'ma firing mah lazer gun.

  6. http://tinyurl.com/TelescopeLore Thoughts, conerns, or comments are all welcome.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wavejammers


      Gauis you shouldn't sleep in history class, Asulon is in the 1100 (CA) and the telecope was invented in the 1608

    3. Space


      Well, Oskar, if you want me to respond to you you should bump-- I mean post on the thread.

    4. Wavejammers
  7. http://tinyurl.com/TelescopeLore Thoughts, concerns, or comments welcome.
  8. Well, if you see this Winston, going to bed, I'm drained. My response was 'Dream like that at age 6? Aryon would be proud.'

    1. CowsGoMoo


      I don't know who Aryon is, but that's alright.

      Someone is proud of me. My life has never been more complete.

    2. Aryon
    3. CowsGoMoo


      Thank you Mister Aryon Pony Photo.

      You have just completed a man's life.


  10. Can someone tell me what the seven skies are? Is it just 'heaven', or is it explaining the cosmo's? I nub.

  11. Thank you, o' merciful one.

  12. look at my warn status). Just a bit of humour.

  13. My humble friend, could you make me a skin? A skin of a old man, human, in sophisticated looking clothes.

    I want to make a scientist.

    Also, only one particular: Make the eyes 2x1 (Asian looking), with the colour of the eye on the inside sides.

    Thank you, if you can.

  14. Of course. But OOC is not the problem. If you think it's the problem, then do /leave ooc. There you go. Your problem is solved. What IS the problem is the OOC spite and bias, the staff bias's which are there in EVERYONE, the constant rumours and slanderous statements meant to hurt others feelings.

    I,of course, must sound incredibly hypocritical talking about this(if you could...

  15. I put this on your 'wall', cause it's public but not clustering a thread. 1. Skippy isn't fat. That's the joke. Philip never started it without knowing very well that Skippy is skinny. He enjoys the joke too.

    In regards to Tavari, I agree completely. But ask him. I'm nice to him, I try to help him. He is the only person that is teased with any malicious intent...

  16. Are there warn 'reports', with evidence, or is it just... 'Yeah, dat happened.'

  17. Anyone else see that Moscow 5 guy? http://i.imgur.com/pzj03.png

  18. Someone just asked if Sona was going mid...

    1. StaticFromage.
    2. Ever


      I could stomp anyone here with Sona mid.


  19. Dat feel when you get one of those +1 thing's in LoL after palying a champion you've never played before (for strategy)

  20. Space

    Maybe it's cause I play against level 20 scrubs that I can destroy with her so much, they really never go off their guide build or recommended build. Thank you, o' LoL guru.

  21. Space

    Why is LeBlanc not used in ranked/MLG from what I've seen? She is amazing, but I guess when you can see that the opposite team picked her she can be easily countered. Thank ye, o' LoL guru.

  22. When it's a 2 party system, and their's what, 20, that just leads to voters voting for democratic/republic because their voice won't be heard if they vote for... The 'Vegetarian Party.' IE Christians vote for Romney, even though they don't agree with some of his policies.

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