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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/user/15199-shiftnative/ ' I am away from the server until the summertime.' We're waiting.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      Let's all grow beards.

    3. Lark


      Way ahead of you.

    4. Kaiser


      are you implying we don't already have beards, Ned?

  2. You'd think someone will more mature then to do that. Saddening.

  3. There's a radiant darkness upon Us... But I don't want you to worry.

  4. I need feminism because I can't walk through a door without getting looks at my ass. What 'bout you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space



    3. Space



    4. Lirinya



  5. Is Mogroka using his oil tychoon money to DDoS us with every botnet ever? Heard it first here folks. Also, lets all be happy and listen to some indy rock, mkay? http://youtu.be/S97xQKZDV_4

  6. Talf is like a modern day Edward Snowden for leaking that google doc.

    1. ΚΨΙΞ
    2. Space


      Praise Talf \o/

  7. I've got onions, lettuce, cheese, bacon, chicken, hamburges, rice, a bunch of spices. What should I cook?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fid


      Borscht. Delicious, red-tinted beet soup.

    3. Redbaron™


      Grind the chick up, and mash the hamburgers into a bowl. Cook the rice and after it's done put the rice into the burger. Add what ever spices please you. Form brand new burger pattys and cook those. Fry the bacon while they cook. Boom you have a chicken beef and rice burger with lettuce and cheese on pieces of bread.

    4. WuHanXianShi14


      Cook a penguin.

  8. What would my title be if I wasn't a gold VIP?

  9. What's the command to change the where you'll be teleported to when you soulstone? Like, the 1-3 thingy

    1. monkeypoacher


      go to a soulstone pillar, type /bindsoul. Boom.

    2. Ezo Karasuga

      Ezo Karasuga

      Duck and right or left click

    3. Space


      No, I mean, I have the saved locations. I wnat to switch my saved locations.

  10. Failed to login: Bad Login?

  11. Where the hell do I go to pin the 1.6.2 launcher to my taskbar?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space


      How do I find it then? I can't find it in the curseclient place where I put it in

    3. Space


      Like the .exe?

    4. Space


      Found it.

  12. Anyone have a clean 1.5.2 download I could get? Mine keeps crashing randomly. TY.

  13. It's OK server, we love you just the way you are.

    1. Garret Baretta (preston19)

      Garret Baretta (preston19)

      *It's OK server, we love you just the way you are. As long as you are up, and allow us to play on you

  14. I wonder why people (including me) listen to sad music when sad. Whatever the reason is, meh. http://youtu.be/4_yskRDrmqI

  15. Server. What are you doing? Server? Stahp

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Space
    3. Lago


      I think "Server Start" is what you're looking for.

    4. Space


      No. Because it's a 'meme.' And that is how it goes. And it should 'stahp' being down. Uncultured people these days.

  16. Where are the servers located for the server? I'm getting like 1 bar connection thing and half the time ti is saying 'COmmunication Error' when I refresh my server list.

  17. Why is life shitty for everyone? INB4 'Like isn't shitty for me! I've got a family and a gf and as much money as I want! Come tell me that when you dog dies, or your parents seperate, or they die, or you don't get accepted to that college you want. ANNNNNGSTY

    1. Kaiser


      life has it's ups and downs, it's how you look at it.

  18. I could die listening to the new The National album and wouldn't even be mad. GODDAMNIT THIS IS AWESOME.

  19. I randomly have hives. I've been inside all day. FML.

    1. Falconaire


      More time for LoTC :P

  20. Someone puts a gun against your head and tells you that you are going to die but he will allow you to listen to one song before you die. What isi t?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. hex37


      The soundwave that causes people to have horrifying diarreha

    3. Birdwhisperer


      Something really, really long.

    4. TeaLulu


      How to Save a Life. If that **** doesn't get him in tears, he's a monster and there was no hope from the start.

  21. I feel like the people who protest Mens Rights Associations are like the people that protest gay marriage. Their so sure that the thing is going to effect them, when it really has nothing to do with them.

  22. DPS very very slooooooowwwwwwwwly

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