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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. Not saying whoever designed the Mako levels and the controls and the physics for it should be shot, but, I'm not apposed to it.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Space


      The worst part is that fact that forward is the way your camera is facing. Forward should be the place your vehicle is facing.

    3. meg


      The Mako was annoying, but then it becomes really funny when you run into the enemies and shoot them as they continuously fall down

    4. Space


      AND THE GODDAMN GUN! I can't tell you how many times I've become deaded because I couldn't aim low enough.

  2. Halfway through ME1. Died about 25 times. Laying on the highest/DEM MAKO PHYSICS AND CONTROLS makes this difficult. YOLO.

  3. There is a 'Bible: The Novel' which is based off of the miniseries of 'The BIble' which is based off of the 'Bible', the tome. Wat.

    1. JtPv


      ...People these days...

    2. N/A


      I, um, googled this, and, um, Wat.

  4. I want a sci-fi forum RP.

  5. I bought the ME collection. Should I just start back on ME:3 (I've beat ME1 and ME2, but I don't know where the save file is) or play through it all from the beginning?

    1. JCQuiinn


      You can import it. Simply look in MyDocuments when you are searching for the save file.

    2. Space


      Xbox, dunno which profile I put it on

  6. 'Doctor what?' 'If you like.' Tehehe.

  7. What PC game should I buy, and what ecbawk game should I buy?

    1. JtPv


      PC- Eador: Masters of the broken world

    2. NomadGaia
  8. Few thousand word essay, presentation on friday, have to make up my own island. Goddamnit, this week sucks. Oh, and I canceled the flight on a thing that has taken me 5+ hours to making in KSP. F me so hard.

    1. Tee-Tree


      If you're making up your own Island and it's only a few thousand.... That should not be hard at all

    2. Space


      In a day. It's grade 9. And no, I have to make that essay about Russia's new space budget and its relation to geography.

  9. For last.fm, is it possible to listen to a radio station with all your artists on it that you added to that favourites tab thing?

    1. Space


      Like, ALL of them?

  10. Due to the student elections going on at my school, I am wearing a pin that says 'Vote Third Part' on my **** erryday. GG wp no re /humour

    1. Kaiser


      aint you banned |:I

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      He's Space, he's so awesome he unbans himself.

    3. Space


      I r hack0r. And I don't mean my excrement, I mean shirt

  11. Just watched all of 'Firefly', now watching Serenity. I liked it, but the fact that it wasn't one big long plot kinda turned me off of it. Meh. Oh, temporarily unbanned. Hurrah!

    1. Samoblivion


      FIREFLY. Gorram it, FOX, why did you cancel the space cowboy show after only half a season? WHY!?

    2. Space


      14 episodes is a pretty long season. Serenity wraps it up, I don't think a new season would be good.

  12. What happened to Tavari? I can't click his account. Wat.

  13. You know what I don't get? In GoT, why are the Wildling's clothes all full of snow, yet the Nights Watch are clear. All the time. You can assume the wipe them off, but when their marching do you think their gonna wipe off their clothing? MY GOD. LIKE, COME ON.

    1. Coconuta


      In built clothing heaters, 'nough said

    2. Volutional


      It's actually because of it's material. And the fact the Night's Watch flock to torches every second they aren't whimpering away from giants.

  14. ' Your account will remain un-suspended for 1 hour so that you may make your appeal. If the appeal is not posted during this time, your account will be suspended again.' Seems like a bad policy to me.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Braxis


      Yea, this will only make sure you are not coming back to LotC as you are taking people who are offering you a chance at redemption and you use it to troll and mock them

    3. Space


      1. I forgot putting a light tone to things was a bannable offense. 2. There are other circumstances then what I was banned under with almost guarantee my ban (I informed the FM with this) 3. I was making a comment on how say... What if the person didn't check LotC? What if he didn't see this? I just think soemthing better could be done.

    4. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      Old Hat today! Yeah buddy!

  15. 1,999 posts. What shall my 2,000th be? Also, when do I get a goddamn title?

    1. SparehoeCakes


      You're a gold VIP, you'll never get a title silly.

    2. argonian


      If you mean above ur avatar in posts, you change it yourself in your profile.

    3. Space


      No, I'm not an idiot.

  16. http://youtu.be/XEt6waYqeSs I love me some Nicholas Cage and Jar Jar Binks.
  17. I need a movie to watch. Something on 'The Breakfast Club' or 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' level. Emotional ****.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Samoblivion


      Good Will Hunting. Matt Damon and Robin Williams at their best.

    3. Glyc


      A nice movie, though better book, is The Kite Runner

    4. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      How about Star Wars Episode 1, movies with Nicholas Cage in them, and Netflix's "Birdemic"

  18. I watched that 'Into the Wild' movie. I liked it, although I really couldn't relate to it that much (I like my computers too much), it was a nice story and statement about society.

  19. The only thing in 'Perks of Being a Wallflower' that I have an issue with is the fact that most of the people are like 17-18 and the guy who is like 14/15 seems to be their age.

    1. Space


      But a really good movie.

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