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Status Updates posted by Space

  1. Ghandi was a racist, Mother Teresa was a scammer who took money from dictators and never put ti towards the charities everyone thought she put it in. You would of thunk.

    1. Skippy


      Philip's pissed at you bro. HE'S PISSED MAN

    2. Space


      And Ghandi forced enemas to people.

  2. Do I go for the girl that I had a Romeo and Juliet moment with across a class, or the chick who put a 'Nami, the Tidecaller' drawing up no facebook. DEM FEELS. WhoamikiddingIwon'tgeteither

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jchizz


      The Bro Code suggests that while on the prowl, one always goes for the hottest chick first, because you just never know.

    3. Agnub


      Go for both.

    4. Cracker


      Lift first ask questions later

  3. http://youtu.be/QzqZ_regTOE I'd make a holocaust joke, but I fear SOME FM's will get butt mad, so... Just... Dat's a good song.
  4. Miss Bum Bum 2012.... omfg


    1. Space


      Nvm, it's just dat splash art.

  6. You leave the server and instantly it goes to the buckets. http://i.imgur.com/9CKmb.png Wow. (this is spawn btw)

  7. LoL... What happened... We use to be so close.

    1. steelersfan1221
    2. Korvic


      Dota 2 isn't that great imo :/

  8. Lol, tried to go onto the westboro baptist church site and it is down.

  9. Lol, tried to go onto the westboro baptist church site and it is down.

  10. For those interested in what I picked for my runthrough of Skyrim, as I thi-- No, KNOW you probably are, I picked a orc shaman.

    1. Ever


      I made an Orc shaman my first playthrough

    2. Space


      I am gonna use destruction spells in my one hand and a mace to hit people until I get some staves.

  11. What should I play on my next runthrough of Skyrim?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. steelersfan1221
    3. Yoff


      Get all the mods! Play a Ninja with Thievery overhaul, and Stealth mods. Maybe throw in Danger from Afar, and you have yourself knifes and shurikens to throw

    4. Dr. Eggnog

      Dr. Eggnog

      A khajiit vampire lord that uses heavy armour and can Smith like a pro

  12. Space

    But... Dat penta. It's just shitty cause the EU and NA makes it all so complicated.

  13. We lost both games. THANKS. First one was like 20-3 for them, second one was 33-28 or something for us but we dun goofed and pushed mid instead of got baron, which they in turn got and we lost cause of.

  14. Space

    Really Ever, that was very fun. We apologise for how un-organised our team was. I was an idiot and said we only needed 1 sub instead of 2 so Elanion only got one. Thanks for hosting it and putting up with the BS, 4real.

  15. Anyone wanna sub on my team for LoL at 4?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Wode
    3. Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)

      Aelu / Rel (Combustionary)


      But Ill prob go 1-12 like I did last time.

    4. Bawd


      Pick Wode. She's female.

  16. Ight thanks. I'm thinking I might get it, cause it's leaps and bounds over my gefore 9200 and I could get one for like 20 bucks used.

  17. What I thought. But how about Saints Row 3 or CS:GO? If I wanted to get a moderately good graphics card, should I get this, or is this on the lower end? I'm not a man of high quality graphics. If I can get like 40 FPS at low graphics on some slightly new games, that's good by me.

  18. How good is this? ZOTAC ZT-20308-10L GeForce 210 Synergy Edition Video Card - 1GB, DDR3, PCI-Express 2.0, DVI, VGA, HDMI, DirectX 10.1, Single-Slot, Low Profile

  19. How is this graphics card? Could it run something like Saints Row 3 or Metro 2033?

  20. Space

    Why would I add you?

  21. Space

    I have Skype.

  22. Am I reading this right? 1 dollar for ALL those games in the humble bundle?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Space
    3. Lirinya


      Not fully true, you pay around $6 to geet them all. $1+ gets you most of them. Money goes to charity.

    4. Space


      I know, but still. Plus, Saints Row sucks.

  23. Anyone wanna play some LoL? I wanna get to 30 before season 3.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Space


      Dude, just one game. Come oooon.

    3. Ever


      Maybe tomorrow. I've been up all night and definitely do not feel like playing right now.

    4. Space


      I probs won't be on mcuh tomorrow. Sigh. OBVIOUSLY YOU just suck.

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