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About ~≈Panda≈~

  • Rank
    ~Purple Panda~
  • Birthday November 3

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    That way, over there... No not there!
  • Interests
    Pandas, Japanese culture, video games, and music!

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  1. Panda is glad she took up drawing! Now the LOTC being down is much less painful... If only some one would request some thing for her to draw...* le sigh *

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Samoblivion


      I might request a drawing of Kaelin in the future, but I'm not sure if Panda knows him well enough to portray him accurately :<

    3. ~≈Panda≈~


      @ AYRE : Le problem?

      Samo Panda doesn't think she knows him well enough..

    4. Pum!


      -Requests drawings of Pandas- Pandas are amazin'. =3

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