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About Torvald

  • Birthday 11/14/1985

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  • Interests
    Three R's
    Reading, Roleplaying & Relaxing

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  1. [Warning: Several instruments were harmed in the making of this video]
  2. Minecraft updates automatically, but too lazy to downgrade. Oh the humanity.

  3. Good evening, your dream is here for I am Carlos.

  4. If this keeps happening, maybe server saving should be every 30 minutes instead.

  5. I wish it would at least save more often. A lot of crafting lost twice now.

  6. Fun Rp yesterday man, hope to see those boats being built soon :P

  7. Logging in, I just see a black texture, can't even see the chat. Something seems broken.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lanader - Richard Tarus

      Lanader - Richard Tarus


    3. Rhisereld


      Yeah, I keep falling through the void when I log on. Who knows what's going on?

    4. Cappy
  8. 1st of May. Happy International Workers' Day to the comrades out there.

    1. Griff


      Fight for what's right! Let's hope it doesn't turn out like the Occupy movement...

  9. Just a moment ago, a table lamp besides my bed suddenly turned on and began to flicker before going out again. I went to unplug it to avoid the light bulb from blowing out, only to find it was already unplugged.

  10. Corgis are kind of cool, wouldn't you agree?

  11. Nothing like a nice, hot shower to clear the mind and rejuvenate the body.

    1. Benedick Irontounge

      Benedick Irontounge

      yes head master :( *runs away*

  12. Only 70 out of 250 online, and yet I can't log in because "user is not premium". Oh dear, how will I ever play during really busy hours?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Torvald


      I am at a loss as to why. I was assuming it automatically locked non-premium players out after 60+ users had come online.

    3. everblue2er101


      Have you been able to log on before?

    4. shiftnative


      I've whitelisted you again - let me know if it's fixed ~

  13. Thanks to everyone in the chat earlier, it was very fun!

    1. Danny


      Indeed, it was!

  14. You had an amazing application!

  15. Congratz! You had a really good App, welcome to Asulon!

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