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1991 Godly

About Ford

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    Don't play.
  • Birthday 06/27/1998

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  1. I always wondered, when people used snowballs in battles to damage the opposing forces armor, why not just roleplay the snowballs as rocks instead of actual snowballs? It makes much more sense considering rocks are harder and can potentially dent armor depending on how hard it's thrown and other added factors. Rocks are also plentiful on a plain I would imagine, or they could've been dragged in pouches by each soldier. It's a good tactic, too.

    1. Heff


      And as slingshots... good idea

    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I suppose the intensity of a real time battle makes it difficult to actually type things. Things are rushed, and people could get killed while typing.

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