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Creative Wizard
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650 Legendary

About Demotheus

  • Rank
    High Priestess of the Thighdom
  • Birthday 03/01/1995

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    Not Telling

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  • Character Name
    Lotha Scylla, Harlot, Merylynn the Wanderer
  • Character Race
    Darkdwarf/Ascended, specter!!!, mostly high elf

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  1. Patriotic needs to accept that magic users will NEVER let you have pvp default. Accept it! XD

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    2. Aislin


      @Demotheus no it's a game that a lot of people come here to play that we roleplay on as well

    3. Demotheus


      No, Gronkk. If you sign up for this server I think it's to primarily RP. Not to clicky spam click, build your wood house in the middle of nowhere, hoard items, and pvp.

    4. Aislin


      I joined this server as a Minecraft player who is interested in RP. I came here to experience a unique mix of minecraft and roleplay to simulate one of the most interactive roleplay experiences around. There's no point RPing here if we don't take advantage of the wonderful mechanics minecraft provide.

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