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Shelby !

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About Shelby !

  • Birthday 07/26/1997

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  1. The snowpocalypse in Bama is over. My dad got home yesterday afternoon after spending 30 hours trapped in his office. Nice.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SparehoeCakes


      Louisiana basically had the same problems. I haven't had school since Tuesday, and the state is in a "state of emergency". We got ~3 inches. We are wimps. :P But hey, no school. :D

    3. Shelby !

      Shelby !

      It snowed about four inches, but since everyone told us we wouldn't get snow, everyone went out as normal and got stuck because the roads turned to ice and you can't drive in ice. -.-; And we don't have snowplows or anything like that. So, major disaster. But yes indeed no school woo~

    4. Monomakhos


      I don't see why everyone is complaining over a few inches of snow. I lived in Germany for a few years and come back to a state of emergency over FOUR inches.

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