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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by meg

  1. [Comment involving memes that would incite arguments]

  2. I strive for mediocrity in my posts now to keep the pretty 550 rep number.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LatzMomo


      What if she was just trying to get more rep...?

    3. TeaLulu


      you fell for it.

    4. meg


      no I seriously only like numbers in increments of 5. this bothers me now.

  3. Philip_2011 spreads lies and slander

  4. *Denies all fire magic apps to save the frosties* They're an endangered species :^(

    1. GDPR 014

      GDPR 014

      They will perish

  5. idk what you guys are talking about, I have mpm installed but for some reason I can't edit character size or see other people's edits

  6. Learn to spell :^)

  7. god dammit Rael

    1. Space


      the banter on the forums is far too great atm


  9. tfw collusion

  10. Raptor has learned the secrets of stamp tool in mcskinedit 3d. He's unstoppable.

    1. mitto



    2. Space


      where is this POWERful meme from>>>>>

  11. I'm going to apply it here because I think it's not right with golems either. It's not about characters having to be scientists. It's about the lore OOCLY being laid out, make sense, and be in line with the other lore of the server. The "Magicalness" that magic types had allowed for ridiculous things to be honest. I don't agree that "it's magic" is a proper explanation, at all. Also, Golems are usually their own independent intelligence. My problem is that there is no way the "moss" could replace a brain well enough to retain memories and personality. Legit you'd be better off having this be a race that starts off as plant people, not having it be normal people that turn to plants.
  12. If you have something about "meta" in your "character name" tag you rustle my jimmies. Like you can just leave it blank and it won't even show up.

    1. excited
    2. Space


      There used to be a rule that said that you had to have an actual name in your tag if you were disguised, and indicate that you were disguised with your tag or whatever. I think.

    3. meg


      I'm talking about on the forums. When people have like "meta meta meta" or some bs.

  13. Honestly "Magic" is not an excuse. I find the notion that magic is the end all be all and doesn't have to make sense ridiculous. That's just me. Proper magic should have good lore, it should make sense, and be something that lots of people enjoy. The negative response to this might be an indication that it is either unwanted, or needs work. Also tbh you could just not respond to people of you believe they're making "disgusting comments", which I didn't see. Telling them to not comment on your posts is just like trying to silence what seems like an opinion that is against your lore. IMO
  14. Undead, eh?

    1. LatzMomo
    2. LatzMomo


      Lat me rephrase that, I didn't Enjoy how the Undead were before, they got some magic plug-in that was OP and they could wear super awesome armor too, they should get a PvP buff that's Viable in combat, but isn't to Over-powered, Magiv should be IRP just as everyone else's, at least until everyone can use magic

    3. Bircalin


      It literally said they aren't coming back

  15. Undead, eh?

  16. While this is a large improvement over the original lore, I just don't think its something the server needs. The moss thing is still just freaking weird. If the moss completely replaced them, they would have none of the original memories or habits. I don't see how this moss could replicate the intricate synapses and nerves off the brain well enough to copy it. No thanks.
  17. **** I should not have put this homework off

    1. Space


      no you shouldn't of!!!!!!!!

    2. Tirenas


      Yeeep. Same.

    3. Space


      It's three pages of physics problems and one worksheet for homework, we've got a full glass of cola, half a pack of gobstoppers, it's dark, and we're procrastinating.

      Hit it.

  18. never meme and drive

  19. bruh I haven't changed my name on the forums since I got here lol

    1. Mephistophelian


      One of us, one of us, one of us...

  20. ball so hard

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