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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by meg

  1. Gah, bored

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. excited


      Join the club bud

    3. Dougstalicious


      Haha yeah dude.

    4. Hanrahan


      Join Salvus and a nation on the rise #Adunia

  2. I know personally that the bound rule is still shaky. It depends on the situation, really, and IMO the proper way to stop a mage from casting magic would be to distract them or dull their senses. Like blindfolding them, loud noises, etc etc. I also agree that you should not be able to shift through a cage or through shackles.
  3. づ。◕౪◕。)づ pbbbbblttt

    1. Harri


      i am triggered

    2. mitto



    3. meg


      big sorry

  4. Holla

    1. Gemmylou


      (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt

    2. Geo


      its actually Hola" in Gemmy's native language

    3. IrishPerson



  5. I second this notion. I like the lore, I think it just needs some work. I want it to be used right. Not people teleporting around a fight like some fkin naruto ninjas.
  6. The ascended don't have a monopoly on "blinking."
  7. lol

    1. excited


      u hurt my feelin..s

  8. husky hurt my feelings

    1. Space


      i am here to white knight you tyvm,

    2. excited


      u hurt my feelings.,,

  9. the mat is really moot's grill collection.

    1. Elad™


      hellfiazz may be a grill but adeon isnt

    2. meg


      they dont count

    3. ausbrig renegade

      ausbrig renegade

      adeon is on the MAT?!??!?!??

  10. Hey Lulu, what's up?

    1. TeaLulu


      is it acceptable to take a nap at almost 8 PM

    2. meg
    3. TeaLulu


      ok then thats whats up

  11. *Continues to frantically try and put off writing her paper*

  12. 200 accepted mas \o/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skippy


      Devland go back to playing in your sandbox...!

    3. Jonificus


      The only magic you need is money. With money you can get whatever you want!

    4. Devland99


      Skippy go back to bed, you should be in by 4.

  13. On the topic of "aura splitting," perhaps add a thing about the fact that you must stay in your general shape while shifting?
  14. No tomes in ruins. That brings up so many unnecessary questions. How would the size/shape of a person affect their ability to shift? What if they're carrying a bag? If they have some sort of armor on? Can they hold their sword out and shift past a person, grazing them?
  15. I think in its current iteration, this is fine. However, the potential for people doing dumb things with this is there, and I know personally (I'm not speaking for the team here) I would not be lenient with the abuse of this magic. I would like to see a bit of elaboration of the negative effects, such as, what if someone throws an axe or weapon/object in the path of your shift? What if someone moves into the path of your shift? -EDIT- I also don't want to see this used to re position oneself in combat behind a person. So if you're looking straight at a person, you shouldn't be able to shift forward to where you are behind them. You're not a ninja.
  16. IMO- If your character can walk a distance, they can shift that distance. This means not through doors, walls, windows, etc. UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. You're not the flash, people. Secondly, I'd like to see combat scenarios as well. What happens if they try to shift through a weapon or other type of magic thrown at them? I personally think this should work in the sense that, they could do it, but it'd hurt. A lot. This is very nicely written, and would be a good compromise to the blinking dilemma. If, and only if, people stay within the boundaries.
  17. heh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cyndikate


      Heff, calm yo ****

    3. meg


      fight me heff

    4. Baconthief


      Meg, don't listen to heff. I enjoy every one of yo statuses

  18. alright alright alright alright

  19. patience is a virtue

  20. Grr lore grr

    1. Mj.


      lore grr lore

  21. It's just a refrigerator, I don't understand the big issue! Let people put their characters on ice there! C'mon!
  22. I only accept the dankest of memes.

  23. On my honor, if I can help it, I will not hunt new players on my frost witch. They're too nice, they're too gullible. ;-;

    1. TavernLich


      Can't they just wave a torch in your face?

  24. Was Aedlin really the biggest lore issue the team wanted to tackle? It really does not seem like that big of a deal. It's a refrigerator for when people go on hiatus and don't want to perma kill their toons. Come on, there are more pressing issues in the lore, I'm sure, that could be handled. imo
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