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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by meg

  1. woot

    1. ShameJax


      You looked at my app then left it QQ

  2. remember, if you have a magic app your teacher needs to post on it confirming that they are teaching you before it can be approved.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Who taught the teachers?

    2. Cyndikate


      And what if my teacher got banned or quit?

    3. meg


      teachers usually start off as self taught. and you should indicate that Cyndikate in your app, which would switch it to self taught

  3. MCname of Blacklisted player: Hydra98 Reasons for Blacklisting (powergaming, improper RP, abuse, etc): Severe Powergaming Evidence:http://imgur.com/RIqtPiy http://imgur.com/Ik88E6R,fC9dsNd,lOFB2eF,LNKnC7t#0 http://imgur.com/a/l2yHo http://gyazo.com/cf4ab4a46d178aa5637e6537467e44e5 http://imgur.com/R8fZYRx http://imgur.com/QOtqCuh Accepter(s) of the blacklisted player's original application(s): N/A Description of incident: Player engaged in an RP fight with others, proceeded to use some variation of illusion to cover the area in smoke, presumably to make his escape. Player ignored other magic involving electricity, shrugging it off. Player climbed a wall in-game without emoting or indicating so in role play. Player used telekinesis to float multiple daggers with unreasonable aim and accuracy. Player did not rp the proper amount of fatigue that is expected when one uses magic. Player was generally uncooperative and rude, mocking players for questioning his roleplay, "Lel got to the mat if I'm pging" At the end of the stated time, the player may message a MAT member to have it removed. In nine week's time, the player may also seek reduction of the time through means that will be specificed in conversation between the player and the team. Duration of Blacklisting/ terms of Blacklist removal: 1 month 6 weeks
  4. wtb more frost witch applicants

    1. GodEmperorFlam


      Give me a hug and then we'll see.

    2. TavernLich


      Wanted to, but I could never contact you ;c

  5. I could cook dinner. Or I could be lazy and snack all night.

    1. kingnothing


      or you could eat starch

    2. Rassidic


      or you could drink bleach

  6. MCname of Blacklisted player: _Kraal_ Reasons for Blacklisting (powergaming, improper RP, abuse, etc): Metagaming Avoiding RP Evidence: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/topic/125734-ban-report-on-tom-whiteman/ Accepter(s) of the blacklisted player's original application(s): N/A Description of incident: Player was removed from an area as leader, and the new leader gave him the chance to remove items. Player then proceeded to log in/log out frequently, soulstone away, and use a different persona to remove items the player was not given permission to remove. When requested to return the items, player responded that the player "did it in rp" and therefore "did not have to return the items" Kais blacklisted the player from villainy for two weeks. Duration of Blacklisting/ terms of Blacklist removal: 2 Weeks
  7. Magic is a whole diff thing than villainy. Apps should stay imo.

    1. ~ Fiend ~

      ~ Fiend ~

      Agree to disagree. I think putting any kind of RP on a higher pedestal is going to breed horrible elitism (again) and cause a lot of arguments.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      I think of it a little more like an event faction. If everyone was a dread knight or a cervitaur then people RPing with them are more likely to be bored with the RP.

  8. It...It isn't. It really isn't. Since you were in fact serious, if you'll excuse me....
  9. Y-You can't be serious. This is a joke, right? You're making a joke, yes? Please god tell me this is a joke.
  10. How am I supposed to drink tears when they're so salty.

    1. Rael


      salt water is good for canker sores

  11. I'm sad. Server feels empty :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      I'd come RP with you but it's a bit chilly for shirtless elves where you are, I imagine.

    3. Avacyn


      maybe because i cant get on

    4. Rael


      connectivity issues berrin? :O

  12. **** there is like nobody on the roads, how am I supposed to kidnap someone if there's nobody on the roads???

    1. Gunner


      u can kidnap me anyday ;)

    2. The Dennis

      The Dennis

      do you have the proper VA for that?!?

    3. meg


      I dont know, oh no :o

  13. **** there is like nobody on the roads, how am I supposed to kidnap someone if there's nobody on the roads???

  14. God I love pistachios.

  15. *Slowly backs away*

  16. Is RWBY worth watching? The animation is kinda weird.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CosmicWhaleShark


      I found some of the fight scenes to be entertaining, but I definitely wouldn't call it 'good'. It's a fun show, just don't take it seriously.

    3. ℤ∃ʁ∅


      Yes! Season 2 is great

    4. ToenailTickler


      Plot is ****, characters are eh at best. Fight scenes make it work. So ya watch it if you want DBZ styled fights.

  17. I'm annoyed by the stigma that grills get positions because they are grills. I'm even more annoyed by grills that actually do that.

    1. monkeypoacher


      It's a fun defamation to use. Look at GamerGate and how far that got.

    2. Geo


      wtf is grill

    3. meg


      A girl. Internet slang.

  18. (´◉◞౪◟◉) pbbbbblttt

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