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Diamond VIP
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Everything posted by meg

  1. ayy lmao

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Arkelos


      Megu, your folder is full of messages, can't properly welcome ya back D:

    3. meg


      wow it actually was haha, cleared that out

    4. excited


      your frost witch is scary

  2. Total Tophat? Where's my diamond Vip x3

  3. *takes Lulu's hand* *Flies away*

  4. The mass exodus

    1. Birdwhisperer


      You're the only one I actually believe is serious. ):

  5. It's happening. You can't stop it.

  6. http://gyazo.com/31a5278dc3e6d641d14862bb070b480f And somehow they'll make it work. LOL
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Augor


      Is it weird that I've never really played LoL?

    3. V0idsoldier


      xin zhao adc and annie support.

    4. V0idsoldier
  7. How's your reputation farm going? :>

  8. I'm just letting you guys know, if you don't already, it's not nice to post jump-scare links, and you will be warned for doing it. We're trying to have fun not scare the crap out of each other. (Also there are people here with medical issues, and those links could seriously hurt them)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Cirdanoth


      Never accept links. Now you have yourself a castle.

    3. Shorsand


      Plz, I have a mind of steel that can reject anything.

    4. calculusdesola
  9. My stomach hurts ;-;

  10. Am I the only one that notices the banner on TS says Lord of Craft, instead of Lord of the Craft? :/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nug


      I noticed.

    3. Tom_Whiteman


      yep, everyone called it LoC back then in Aegis...

    4. Phibbup


      The right way.

  11. MC Name: Meguzara Character Name: Elene Silverblade Character Race: High Elf How long have you been role-playing on this particular character?: Since I joined, so about a year or so. Please list any MA's for any of your characters: Lumia- Ma- here Ta- here Elene- Ma- here
  12. He's Jarvan. He's actually helping.
  13. I just remembered how much I missed normal icecream. My house always only has yogurt. But normal ice cream is so good :-:

    1. Tom_Whiteman
    2. JtPv


      TOMMY SHUT IT. FROZEN YOGURT IS...-chokes- AMAZI-cough choke cough- AMAZING!

      (I miss u ice cream...)

  14. Oh man, I love Blueberry Cobbler :3

    1. Aptrotta


      Save me some!

    2. shiftnative


      that..sounds.. SO GUD

  15. I'm not very punny :c

    1. Braxis


      No, your not, worst puns ever, go back to kitchen :>

    2. The Vodka

      The Vodka

      You just have to come out of your shell.

  16. Yay! 4th of July! 'Merica!

  17. The worst part of being stuck between two groups arguing is when you know neither is fully right :U

    1. Bethykinss


      Hate when that happens. Just nod and smile!

    2. Aislin


      All arguments can be solved with the following verdict:

      Every side is wrong and right.

  18. I don't have the time to oversee anymore self-taught magic users. I might take on some more once the couple I have advance, but as of now direct your PMs to someone else. Thanks.

  19. And in a twist of fate, the Roses help save Malinor from the Antag. You're welcome, Elves.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jarkarll


      white woses are terrible ppls

    3. Silevon


      White Rose protagonist

    4. bungo


      whiterose2op4me :(:(:(

  20. Could we get an update on what happened to the Shop Plugin???

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jarkarll


      Please don't curse on the forums, Ford. :)

    3. Ford


      i ain't 'fraid of no popo >:I

    4. Ned Lud

      Ned Lud

      I was considering opening a specialty shop called Boats and Hoes.

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