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Status Replies posted by Pum!

  1. I think I should be doing something more productive... building stuff in single player creative... working on skins... cleaning up around the house... yet here I am, watching youtube videos. *shrug*


  3. You want to know that really happens when I am DDos'd? It gives me a headache. I'm glad to say, i swallowed some "computer advil" and i am now feeling much, much better

  4. So? Anyone up to make me a dark elf skin?

  5. First to comment chooses my avatar (within reason)

  6. First to comment chooses my avatar (within reason)

  7. Your thoughts on Halflings? Post below! :)

  8. Oh deary me. I go to have a wash, and 'this' happens! See why you people shouldn't let me go now?

  9. Oh deary me. I go to have a wash, and 'this' happens! See why you people shouldn't let me go now?

  10. I recommend typing that into your multiplayer.

  11. Most ban reports that carry out are on new people, who have very bad grammar, and usually have bad roleplay overall. So ya, most ban reports are not on LOTC majority, just the newbies :P

  12. As you may know, these DDosers have been ruining a fantastic server for hours and hours, creeping in their grandma's basement. They're trying to break us and make us think we're bad for roleplaying. So, I say we give him the finger. I'm going to be making some new lore for... something. What do you all want to see?

  13. As you may know, these DDosers have been ruining a fantastic server for hours and hours, creeping in their grandma's basement. They're trying to break us and make us think we're bad for roleplaying. So, I say we give him the finger. I'm going to be making some new lore for... something. What do you all want to see?

  14. What's everyone's favourite game from before they were born?

  15. Animal Crossing

  16. Making halfling app.... Going to be.... a boss..... HELP ME I'M SO CONFUSED WHAT RACE IS THIS BORING *Cries*

  17. Who is everyone's celebrity crush? (Mine is Emma Stone)

  18. This is what I listen to while LOTC is down
  19. Okay. I'll be making a new start with LotC. I'll still have Goliath (sometimes) but I want a new character, more lore posts etc. I need ideas for a new character, though. GOGOGOGO

  20. That feeling when your teacher is a cool guy, and he asks you to be a clown at his daughters birthday party....then when your mom gives you her phone, he texts your mom saying "Good news, #1 (my nickname) doesn't have to dress up like a clown anymore, because the strippers are coming after all!"

  21. Panda is going to go jump in a river now. Literally! :3

  22. Pfft, Ever, scaring kids with Demons Soul, MEH. I got my 9 year old brother to play Slender. He hasn't touched a computer in a month.

  23. Panda is going to go jump in a river now. Literally! :3

  24. When's muh Rusen gettin' unbannded.

  25. This is the mosst amazingggg video that you must see before you DIE!!!!

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