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Status Replies posted by Pum!

  1. Made a art piece to represent the Elves arriving on the island during the early stages of Asulon, the Mori watching as the trespassers come into their lands. Enjoy :3 http://kirrekith.deviantart.com/art/Yathrins-Call-Development-326259379

  2. Physics homework, or stare blankly at my event team app?

  3. Going to a movie ~!! Going to a moooovie~!!!

  4. Writing a paper, Quick. I need old medieval or Greek-age insults

  5. IM new, Hi everyone!

  6. How's everyone doing?>3

  7. Panda needs to say this. She only mkaes nicknames for others to make them more memorable. That goes for you Petals, Pluffles, Samo, and Lymonade! Just to name a few nicknames on the top of Panda's head.

  8. Panda is glad she took up drawing! Now the LOTC being down is much less painful... If only some one would request some thing for her to draw...* le sigh *

  9. I'm on a Powerpuff Girl craze... woot! ^_^

  10. Panda needs to say this. She only mkaes nicknames for others to make them more memorable. That goes for you Petals, Pluffles, Samo, and Lymonade! Just to name a few nicknames on the top of Panda's head.

  11. Today, I drew Will and Domelvia, yaaay! http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd489/cowwsgomoo/photo5-1.jpg No matter how hard I try, the HANDS are always TOO SMALL. ;m;

  12. Today, I drew Will and Domelvia, yaaay! http://i1222.photobucket.com/albums/dd489/cowwsgomoo/photo5-1.jpg No matter how hard I try, the HANDS are always TOO SMALL. ;m;

  13. Panda drew some thing fr a friend~ She thinks it turned out beautiful. http://pandasrcute2.deviantart.com/art/Space-Dreams-325726195 Maybe you guys can enjoy it as well!!

  14. What race should the character I'm thinking of making be?

  15. Trivia Question of the day- What city was the US capital in 1789?

  16. Hrmm... I don't know what race I shoudl make my new chara... any ideas?

  17. Finished my first actual drawing with Paint.net :3 It's not great, I know, but tell me what you think :P ( Be honest ): http://i.imgur.com/TUGAN.png

  18. Recoloring yesterday's drawing http://supersodapops.deviantart.com/#/d5ddkxi with PhotoShop. Wish me luck!

  19. http://www.lordofthecraft.net/forum/index.php?/topic/69630-i-doubt-you-can-scare-me/ You up to the challenge? Come on, its a fun post, and a way for me to be your servant forever! Check it out and see if you can get me >:)
  20. I jumped on the halfling bandwagon

  21. And how are You this very fine day?

  22. Heh, noone seems to visit my page :3

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