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About Parading

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    Wasted Potential
  • Birthday 05/29/1997

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  1. An admin should make a post reminding everyone of the pvp-default rules, and when pvp should be initiated. More than half of the people that I get into combat with still can't comprehend the rule, and people need to be updated about it.

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      I don't want PVP-default totally removed. I would like it temporarily removed to see if the power gaming has toned down, and see if players can get along since the server has changed since the time before it was added. That's all. I don't want PG, but I don't want constant PVP either. I like the server the way I like my cake. I like my frosting in the middle, not too sweet to the point where I can only eat half, feeling sick, but not to shortened of it either :)

    3. Neri


      "Cappy has explicitely said before that if there is more people who want to RP fight than PVP fight, then it's RP fighting. If you start RP fighting, you nor anyone else can jump in and go "pvp default" after emotes have been given for attacks/defends/counters/dodges/etc."

      Yes once you've decided on a method of combat you can't change it. But if one person out of a group wants to PVP then it's PVP.

    4. Demotheus


      ^ That is the worst rule ever and it should be changed.

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