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About Merkaken

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    Never Forget Watyll
  • Birthday 09/03/1994

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  1. Can't beleive I am saying this but with the last 2 horrid villain RPs I just had I am wanting VAs back

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    2. Booklight12


      I think one would need to just write an app to be able to freely kill. With same rules applying as previous Va's inwhich they can't do armed robberies.

    3. Merkaken


      Same, Bull. I was so happy when they got rid of VAs but now it's become a sh*t storm of horrid item hungry PvPers. Villainous RP is no longer for the other people's enjoyment as it is for their own enjoyement

    4. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Although I too miss VA's. I do not think they should be added back in for a simple reason, the more this poor RP is discouraged, the better the villains will RP in the future, but if we keep changing our minds by saying "Ok add Vas, ok take them out, ok add them again!..." If it is brought back, it will be the second time Vas have been put into LOTC. I think over time, this will be cured.

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