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Status Updates posted by Hanrahan

  1. Good lord British pride is scary thing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yprh8ElXgbU

    1. Kaun


      Russian is even worse.

    2. Kaun


      Their pride is just absurd in many cases.

    3. Jachnun


      How is your pride

  2. boom boom cannon pewiiing kabluie

  3. -slices at arm- "pvp?"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. WuHanXianShi14


      why do you feel the need to keep stirring the pot

    3. V0idsoldier


      *Impales you through the chest with a spear made of pure dark energy as well as condemning your soul to the nether forcefully permakilling* "PVP?"

    4. Kralek


      You're not Loremaster of Adunians.

  4. Didn't nexus promise that skill levels wouldn't interefere with Vanilla crafting? :l

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Praetor


      Hitler promised not to invade Czechoslovakia, Jeremy. Welcome to the real world !

    3. drfate786


      HERETIC *Smites spamshot whit pancakes.*

    4. monkeypoacher
  5. Why doesn't gunpowder work again?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. V0idsoldier
    3. cmack1028


      we need tnt back :(

    4. Neri


      :) tinkers will be able to reinvent tnt.

  6. Pew Pew Gun Gun Bullet Bullet Bullet Bang Bang

  7. Anyone here good with minecraft posing programs? (If that's what they're called, I have no idea.)

    1. MamaBearJade


      you can use nova skin...

    2. Ark
  8. What the hell is up with the server? I can't stay on long enough to get a pong back.

    1. Shar'ku/jenspelao


      They wont delete the crafting window either, its difficult as ****

    2. DecoLamb


      honey if you think this crafting is hard, go use thinkers construct with iquanateaks..

  9. It was meant to be pointed at the double standard of the staff - I'm not offended at all. :P

  10. I can't post a picture of Hitler but Oren can call a regiment Totenkopf after the SS Totenkopf who managed the Camps?

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. AlmondTree


      Totenkopf has been in use way before Nazis. By the Prussians. Radahuuuun please be nice and rage some where else. You are spreading negative vibes!

    3. Stevie


      "They were also Hussars during the Napoleonic Era."

      I think the arguments should have ended here.

    4. Stevie


      and also source for all you immediate jumpers to HOLY NAZI AHHHHHH


  11. no benevolent god could have made mosquitos

  12. hohoho travelers

  13. "Nexus crafting won't interfere with basic crafting - can't harvest fully grown wheat successfully-

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Neri


      :^) thats not crafting

    3. Hanrahan


      Or gathering bucko

    4. Mephistophelian


      No, but it is interfering with the basic crafting; partial prevention of gathering supplies is, in my books, interfering with the crafting.

  14. The news can say 'Oh look at the Brits', but can't say 'Oh look at the ****'. I CALL RACISM

  15. Wootini indeed

  16. "Nexus won't interefere with Vanilla gathering" -Can't harvest any wheat-

  17. How on earth do you make paper?

  18. Thank god we have this, imagine if it was this buggy in 4.0

  19. I LOVE the fact that food expires! Farmers now have a realiable source of income!

    1. Ivran


      They've always had one. People /always/ need food.

  20. Why can't I make planks?

    1. Praetor


      I had that at first, a relog solved it for me.

  21. Workbench needs cobble to make. You need a wooden pick. To make wooden pick, you must get cobble. WHO MADE THIS PLUGIN.

    1. Minniefox


      No it doesn't.

    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      Wooden picks don't need cobble.

  22. First bug - Nexus crafting doesn't work with wood..

    1. Neri


      It does, try harder.

  23. Anyone use GIMP? I'm having a slight trouble with it, need advice.

    1. shiftnative


      I have better luck using paint.net

    2. Hanrahan


      Is.. it free? :3

  24. "3.75 up by the latest at Saturday." -Waits for Monday- ;)

  25. What if the Illuminati was led by Throdo, Denims and Boeindl

    1. Onslaughted
    2. Wobbajack


      Who's to say it's not?

    3. Galendar


      I think it's safe to so you know too much

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