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Status Updates posted by Hanrahan

  1. I need all and every picture of Ildon the community has.

  2. Remember Strelts: Red is dead :)

  3. -Has friendly chat with Nobility about peasantry- Ah, Life in Oren is back to normal. :D

  4. Boiendl for High Pontiff. He has good family values.

  5. heydidyouhearlolrestartwesuregotyouprepared

  6. Man, the Server's on the up and up. :D

  7. Not Trivia: When did the Arethor Times newspaper start?

  8. Oren needs more Fantasy.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Temp


      Nah. Good as is.

    3. Neri
    4. -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      -♣- Ƙindled -♣-

      Oren doesn't need more fantasy. It's not meant to have too much, either. Oren was based on GoT, to be fair. Most people who play Oren just wants a taste of 'true' feudalism and medieval roleplay.

  9. Lego Lord of the Rings is almost unfunnily addictive

    1. Major Dom

      Major Dom

      isnt it amazing

    2. Watty_Banker


      The struggle is real

  10. Anyone got that old artwork of the Asulon map?

  11. ...Whilst reading the rules, I just realised Griefing is now a huge debatable. :D " Damaging other player’s buildings is allowed only with RP reasoning, and is encouraged to only be done when the owner of the building is online. RP reasoning can include vendettas or sieges, as an example."

  12. I'd like to commemerate the Oren Jimmy Rustlers.

  13. Boeindl, Denims, all we need is Throdo back

    1. Emenzi


      Throdo logged in earlier today.

    2. Desires


      Oh. I see how it is. Don't included the Claire Kitty.

  14. Keep Adunia small or try to reboot it?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dizzy771


      Doesn't matter what anyone else says, do what you wanna do. Just keep in mind that if something doesn't work then it just doesn't work, but there is no harm in trying. This is a minecraft server after all

    3. seannie


      oh man i remember when it was just me owl axlrose and entheri .. . . .

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Keep it steady; nice and slow. Wait for the right moment.

  15. Fuckin' Snowing, GOD DAMNIT CANADA

    1. seannie


      Canada: Deal with it, eh?

    2. Terafir


      *looks outside.* "Same... CANADA WHY???"

    3. Parading


      Yup, good excuse for me to skip out of school today though. Think about the positives.

  16. Rhia, your Avatar is creepy as all hell

  17. Which darkminded fucker put in Baby zombies in MC

  18. When did Sellshops break?

  19. Kilts or Cloaks?

    1. knightly11 | lotc_fox
    2. Samoblivion


      Cloaks. Down with the gaelicness.

    3. Monomakhos
  20. Why do Knights use Magic Staves? Idea: They arnt. Handheld Cannon, anyone? =3

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