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Status Updates posted by Prism

  1. WOw, I've spent nearly a month and half staring at my ban appeal. #life

  2. Everyone's so glad about the server being back up, while I'm just glad I'm not forum-banned,

    1. Fourthbrook


      why would you be?

    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I don't remember the ban report, I read it though.

  3. q.q It's always depressing to know that some people out there despise you.

    1. gingernut97


      I'm ginger, so I deal with it on a daily basis. Haters gonna hate.


    2. Prism


      Ain't no gingers postin in mahdepressed speech! /kid

    3. Fourthbrook



  4. I put on suspenseful music everytime I come on the forums, yet I still find no horrifying revelation

  5. Sigh. This is aggitating. Watching a ban appeal get posted and instantly said "unbanned" to when you've been sitting on the forums for a few weeks. But so is life, when you be stupid.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Austin


      You pulled a pugsy, seriously..

    3. Prism


      Actually.. Pugsy did a lot more then I... I still feel bad about killing Hiebe, but he's moved on, gladly. But yeah, guess you're kinda right.

    4. Skippy


      I got to say, dwarves WERE bullying him, Austin. I do get what he did, though let's not argue here, and just wait for the GMs to post on his ban appeal

  6. I just noticed Morgoka's avatar is a naked woman. interesting.

    1. gingernut97


      *quickly clicks onto Morgokas profile*

    2. Prism


      /emote You can here the noise of someone beating out the juice in the background

  7. I just noticed Morgoka's avatar is a naked woman. interesting.

  8. How long is 3 weeks... I have counted it by the seconds at this point...

  9. Three...*sob* Weeks... resolve = dead

  10. If anyone has a spare knife, please stab me in the mouth.

    1. DrakeHaze.


      Can I get screenies of your internet history please? I will explain in detail what gave you said ads.

    2. Prism


      Can not tell if trolling, or serious.

    3. Nononymous


      Don't worry bro, my right arm is still sore too xD

  11. My amazing post may've just made the forum crash. SO KAWAII~

  12. This is like... Amnesia. I have to keep my sanity up or I'll go insane from the eerie silence and wait. Bwooo~.

    1. Rissing


      A Global Moderator will deal with your ban appeal when they have time. ;)

      Just wait patiently.

      And don't bump it, that's a bad thing. O_O

      Patience is a virtue, aferall£.

  13. I almost wish I could just hear a verdict at this point, sitting here and watching is tearing me apart in more ways then one.

    1. Pudclud


      Whatever you do, don't be a wolfie. Haha, just kidding, you'll hear the verdict soon enough.

    2. Prism


      Heheh. I still remember that image.

  14. Oh. Never knew that.

  15. Erm.. Have I gone insane, or does it say Availer is online?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prism


      That's... Strange. Would think after something like that the man would storm off.

    3. Goliath


      Wolfie, you are aware he got his adminship for a little while, aren't you?

    4. Goliath
  16. DFrown people in useless suggestions, the true way to conquer then world.

  17. I think I remember that. Was hillarious when it ended up with me and the dwarven bandits sittingin our fortress for a hour.

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