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Status Updates posted by Ålastorous

  1. For those who give a damn. I haven't been able to get on the server much, due to my real life schedule. So pardon my little disappearance. I plan on spending some time on the server as soon as possible. Cheers to all of you. ^_-

    1. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Hope you're back soon!

  2. That moment when you're trying to get someone alone, and then 5 other people decide to join you on your quest. >_>

    1. Telanir


      Roflmao, I know that feel. Good luck with that~ :3

  3. Alright so- SuperSodaPop, and Panda, I'll have guitar covers out of me playing some songs you requested by tomorrow. Hopefully you both, and the rest of the community will like them. Cheers.

  4. *Smacks himself on the back of his head* Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! I somehow managed to make the update box on the side of the forums vanish. I know it may be a dumb question, but how does anyone know how I might be able to get it back? heh.. o.O

    1. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      look for a little arrow thing on the top left of the forum box, click it and wait for it or refresh the page.

  5. Stupid videos won't upload to Youtube.. RIGHT WHEN I NEED THEM TO! WHYYY!? D:

  6. Played at the House of Blues the other night. Should be sharing some videos of me preforming soon... Maybe. o-o

  7. Goodnight Lord of the Craft. I hope you all sleep well, have sweet dreams, and generally enjoy the rest of your evening.

    1. argonian


      I just woke up :P

  8. So I already posted a video of me playing this song, but I might as well post myself playing it again, in a different venue. I SHOULD be getting these other damn vids of me playing up soon. So stay tuned!

    1. Nworb Mas

      Nworb Mas

      I'm better, pshhh. Jkz :)

  9. Finally got a VA done.. I feel like I did a crappy job though. >.> Meh. Whatevah.

    1. Ben-Powell


      Not read it entirely yet, but I enjoy it, the first half if a bit.. icky, not the content, more the presentation ^^

  10. Geez.. What do you do if you can't sleep? I can't seem to stop over thinking when I need to sleep. Just- Ugh. It's frustrating.

    1. KarmaDelta


      Insomnia random passerby!

      I am glad this butler was able to be of some use to low grade commoners.

      Oh, looks like my tea is done.

  11. Do you enjoy heavy metal music? Probably not.. HOWEVER! If you happen to enjoy it, I've found a pretty cool band. Check 'em out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sv54mix4ANY

    1. Tee-Tree


      Do you like Techno? Well If you do check out this guy http://www.youtube.com/user/waterflame89

  12. Bored, therefore, adding more videos for people to watch. Heh. WARNING! Contains heavy metal.

  13. Oh Lawd- This game! Tell me, should I play it?

  14. Yay for generic updates! Merry Christmas everybody! I wish you the best Christmas you've had in your entire life so far!

  15. Behold! My hero! Mister Andy James!

  16. It's a tad late, but what are your New Years Resolutions peoplez?

  17. what feel Canada? I'm not following.

  18. It's the sweetest thing when you tell that someone you're oh-so interested in how much they mean to you- and she/he doesn't know how to respond. It genuinely makes me smile like a weirdo at my computer screen every time I make this wonderful someone in my life happy. Anywho- I wish you all a lovely evening/morning depending on where you live.

  19. Smooth. Dah smoothest. ^_^

  20. Don't EVER talk like that with me again. o_o

  21. And a Merry Merry Christmas to you, Beth!

  22. Happy New Year, Beth. ^_^

  23. Totally better than the original!!!

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