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Status Updates posted by Ålastorous

  1. I've been thinking lately. And- I came up with this idea to maybe continue to do guitar covers/my own music, and post videos of it on here? However, I'd like to see what the good people of LotC think of the idea before I go ahead and do it. :T

  2. This is how I am when I go into the pantry.. and there aren't any Butterfinger Bars left!!!

  3. Guys! Guys! Guys! I present you a website that will be fun for you for hours!! http://www.theuselessweb.com/

  4. Might be preforming live at a bar soon. If it's recorded, I'll be sure to let all you LotCers check it out! And hopefully if you do check it out, you'll enjoy my guitar playing style. :3 Cheers.

  5. Here's a song for those who either have had a loved one pass away, or if you simply miss someone close to you. Heh.

  6. Meanwhile, at my house...

  7. Been filling out a villain app.. I hope that once it is done, I may be able to bring some unique Rp to the server.

  8. I beat my alarm clock this morning. Haha! No waking up to, "BEEP..BEEEP..BEEEP!" for me!

  9. Played a live show earlier tonight. Will be uploading the footage soon for you all to see.

  10. Great music for dark and sinister Roleplay.

  11. Should be sharing a video of the guitar competition preformance I did the other day. Hopefully you guys will enjoy it. hehe.

  12. Whoever posted a somewhat rude comment on one of my Youtube videos, I don't particularly appreciate it. And yes, I know it was someone from here.

  13. My reaction to seeing familiar faces after returning to the server again: http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9je0a2DHh1rpeton.gif

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