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Publius Nefarius

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Everything posted by Publius Nefarius

  1. Why have I been put into a position where I act as a matyr for various causes against the moderators of this server? I'm literally just a guy who tokes religiously and plays Mario Kart and Roleplays in his other half of his free time. I'll anyone wants to chat, Xoratos is the skype name, and I'll always be around to talk :]

  2. Anyone see the verdict on my ban appeal? I didn't get too catch it

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Publius Nefarius
    3. Esterlen


      It's ridiculous how they deny these things and then hide them away from not only the public but also the actual person in question. Can we get a straight verdict please?

    4. lemontide331
  3. hey coaster, tell your friends to keep it down

  4. What is your Skype name I'll just add you lol.

  5. Verdict of my Honor Committee: "Mr. Hamilton, one more demerit and you'll be suspended from the school for 3 days and will have to go back home." :/

    1. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      Nice work. Push that Piff all day if you get suspended.

  6. Honor Committee, wish me luck.

    1. Space


      Gtfo, you smelly piece of Flay.

    2. Publius Nefarius

      Publius Nefarius

      I will if I get the verdict of suspension lol.

    3. Skippy



  7. I can't find you on Skype, add me Xoratos. And its Hamiltoe, not hameltoe.

  8. Voluptuous villain

  9. I'm pretty sure New Jersey looked nicer after the hurricane ;) I kid, be safe my dood.

  10. Love to my New York and Long Island brothers out there, I hope everyones safe from this hurricane.

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