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About MamaBearJade

  • Rank
    Lover of her Moon
  • Birthday August 21

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  • Minecraft Username

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  • Interests
    DnD, Roleplay, Reading, Star Wars, Video Games

Character Profile

  • Character Name
    Lilliana Solaray | Z'raeth Oussana | Elawynn Caerme'onn | Rin'su Lorenthus
  • Character Race
    Tree Lord | Dark Elf | Wood Elf | Dark Elf w/ Vitilligo

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    1. Dr. Ducky-D

      Dr. Ducky-D

      My, what big eyes you have! Big eyes are not a problem, I'd rather have someone have big eyes rather than big, murderous teeth. So in other words, I like it!

    2. tnoy23


      It looks actually great in my opinion~

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