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The Fact Core

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by The Fact Core

  1. Sandwich makes me strong!

    1. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      Mmmphh!Mmm, mmmph mphmmmp!

  2. The Boogie Man Personality Boogie is a sadist as shown by the fact that the interior of his "homes" are essentially torture chambers with a circus like twist as well as the fact that he loves bets with lives on the line as Boogie himself admits. He loves to scare people (Specialy children) and he hates to kill someone as he wants to spread fear. He can't say "No" to a game, he loves to play games and that's also one of his weaknesses as once a Victim tricked the Boogie out with a game. But even if he loves to play, he never plays fair and even if someone wins they somehow still lose. His life revolves around gambling which ironically he doesn't seem to have any skills for. He plays dice several times and admits he has to resort to cheating. Boogie wears always fancy Circus Master like clothes with a puppet like head from that of a wool doll, buttons as eyes and with strings closed mouth that he can close and open at will. Under those clothes hides several ripped up gunny sacks sewn together around his body as he appears to own no skin at all. He is stuffed with bugs to the point of rotundity and must waddle about on his long deformed legs. The bugs appear to help his corrupted and heavily deformed body to move. His arms are very long like his hands, but he losed his hands once and replaced the fingers with needles as he believes that they help to produce puppets and to scare people. After some while, the bugs left him and he needed to "repair" his body totally, so he moved to his greatest fear, the Clerical Order. With such a heavy deformed body, Boogie always needs to repair himself and he is physically very weak and can't hold a sword with his needle hands or they would break instantly. Boogie is a coward, he dislikes to fight someone and would most likely run away or let someone else fight for him before he could twist his fingers. One of the reasons on why he "hunts" for children as they rarely fight back. For mostly unknown reasons he sews buttons on victims eyes and sometimes also closes their mouths with strings before he let them go. Maybe he does that because he wants to spread fear or because he believes that the eyes contain something special, nobody knows not even Boogie himself. Powers and abilities Boogie is shown to be a talented performer, exhibiting a flair for singing and dancing and a fondness for glamour and theatricality. Boogie is physically weak and acts like being a retard, but he actually likes to read, study books and buid weird mechanical machines that sometimes never have a real purpose and only are for fun. With his theatrical skill, he tricks people in thinking he is a nice one and only wants to "play". Boogie is a puppeteer and can create dolls of all kind with the most random materials. His magical skills are very good, being a talented Electromancer he also created his own magical art called Soul Puppetry and found out on how to summon the powers of an Apparition (Wich he did for the Black Scourge). With his Soul Puppetry powers, he likes to impress and attract people into his trap, like he did sometimes with dancing mice. He also likes to amuse himself with his victims at forcing them to dance or what ever he likes to do. The Boogie Man Boogies real name is Unknown, why he calls himself the Boogie Man is a mystery, maybe he just wanted a Name that makes people laugh. He tells nobody his real name because that would kill his own existance due of a contract he made once with a dark spirit. But he hates himself and what he is, turning him into a pile of sad piece of garbage. Always hiding his hate for himself behind the songs and his always "Happy Face". He acts nice and rarely is angry. He tries to be nice all the time because he cursed himself once forever, causing his body to slowly fall apart if he uses too much of his soul puppetry powers or if he is angry. Boogie dislikes Necromancers and their powers, he calls them "Non Creative Morons" as he believes that they own no sense for style or creativity. For Boogie is killing a NoNo, he rarely kills someone and if that happens he must be very angry with a good reason, afterall he is no Monster! People call Boogie an psychopath or a crazy, brain damaged coward with two personallitys. For strange reasons, he likes to annoy the Druidic Order and the Druids. Kidnapping Druids or Dedicants and torture them till they almost die. But he likes the Nature and specialy flowers, he believes that the Druids destroy the Nature instead of helping it or because he likes to see them angry, giving him a good laugh. Boogie once joined up with the Black Scourge, delivering them with weird plants that their Harbingers corrupted to destroy almost whole Malinor in Anthos. Or to help them out with his knowledge about Dark Arts and specialy Apparitions. Other Informations Age: Over 600 of Years Gender: Male Height: 6'4 Orientation: Unknown Race: Dark Elf Status: Alive and Spooky Fighting Abilities: Soul Puppetry, Electromancy and Prank Weapons Non-fighting Abilities: Acting Religion: The Voice of Souls (Soul Puppeteers) Husband ( Engaged ): Aster the Fallen Daughter: Elayne Des'Nox Magic - Master Soul Puppeteer and Teacher - Master Electromancer - Master in Telekinesis, mostly used non combat - Apparition Ritual
  3. Banana

    1. Mephistophelian


      Share 50% of their DNA with humans.

  4. The Fringe was awesome for two weeks. But after months of being on it, it's overbuilded and well, just another Minecraft Building Map. If 4.0 takes longer than expected, another map could be refreshing for the players. Minecraft generated or old maps. But it only helps at "refresh" the mind of a player, in terms of roleplay it's not actually helping. Since the fringe is currently "dieing" or something, we could make the best out of it or what ever comes into our minds of creativity abundance.
  5. Don't worry, be happy!

  6. I'm coming for ya!

  7. HaHaHa! I teleported bread!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Supah


      I love it when they come out with new source films~

    3. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Dancing Conga in TF2, best update ever.

    4. Blundermore


      This is a bucket.

  8. SssssSSsssSSssSSSSSSsss

  9. Dammit, this is creepy.

  10. Throw the cheese!

    1. Hanrahan


      Your picture scares me

  11. Oompa! Oompa!

    1. Angel~


      Dumpaty Du

    2. Bat Druid

      Bat Druid

      I've got a combo breaker for you.

  12. Here comes the gravy train ! Chuu chuu!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Agith


      You're a peach, you're a doll you're a paaal of mine.

    3. Kickstarted and Running

      Kickstarted and Running

      *derails the train*


    4. Narthok


      Rob ford inbound

  13. Pull the lever!

    1. Rhia



  14. :)

    1. bulldogsoccer88


      Don't give me that smirk of yours... ;D

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