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The Fact Core

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by The Fact Core

  1. Ding Dong, the witch is dead°!°

  2. Nice one! For those who want to roleplay building, it's pretty good.
  3. NoOooOoooOooope!

  4. Om Nom Nom, what was that sandwich?

    1. Terafir


      *is currently eating a sandwich.*

  5. Sparkle Sparkle Sparkle

  6. So, Oogie Man will just run around and be such creepy puppeteer again.

    1. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch

      Oh dear lord *Hides in a hole*

  7. By the way, the red realm will be closed soon so run out of it before you explode together with this

    1. Neri



    2. Korvic


      Remember to loot everything*

    3. BrandNewKitten


      There is no thanhic ore in the red realm. It's all blood shards me thinks.

  8. Don't trust pigs in setheriens realm, even the bacon wants to kill you.

    1. Angel~


      Mah gawd...The day of baconing has come...

    2. hoodmaster906
  9. Don't build things that make no sense in the realm, the map is just for a short time there anyways.

    1. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      Like a sheep farm...

    2. Hunter (sckolar)

      Hunter (sckolar)

      Do we know this in RP? If not, then building things of the sort makes sense.

    3. excited


      In RP we're readying ships to go along the waves, like the Fall of Asulon.

  10. Today, Hell is coming into the fringe.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryn Chirr

      Ryn Chirr

      yep... *puts on tin foil hat and hides in her own pillow fort*

    3. Monomakhos


      Go home Spamtags.

    4. Valdis


      ooh whats going to happen?

  11. Sooooooooooo, what is the name of the planet LOTC is on? :3

    1. Rassidic


      At this point , I'd call it Athaenus.

    2. DrakeHaze.


      Something starting with A I bet.

  12. How about science? Let's talk about science...Science in a whole is scientific nice, if you use a potato and bring science into it, the science will help the potato to keep track while we use the science to cast electric bolts down the goal...Science.
  13. Dwarves should betray the snow elves so they turn into falmer.

    1. Hobolympic


      Omg, fantastic idea. Enslave them, serve them blinding mushrooms and force em to work the mines.

    2. Dizzy771


      We would have to enslave them and feed them poison moss.... I don't particularly feel like doing that.

  14. Everyone knows that this needs to be done. Creating apeture science. First task is sending a pig into space.

  15. A little, like cheese smelling letter blows into the druidic grove of nature's bounty. Tiny Druids, may I make one suggestion in your lovely shunned board... Fix my name dammit! Oogie Boogie, that it is and not that unloveable "Vangron". That's a shame for the uniform of my lovely world, do me the favor before leyun may dissappears forever this time. I'm very annoyed! Now excuse me and I will cry in my corner. Love, The Oogie Boogie Man PS: Do you like dolls? Yes? Sure? Of course? Love me?
  16. I'm a Fact Core

    1. Dizzy771
    2. Z3r05t4r


      No. *Medic slaps Engineer.*

  17. Behold, I have now a sad engineer.

    1. monkeypoacher
    2. Mithradites


      Engineer is a rubbish class anyway.

    3. Anderssn


      Putis pencer here!

  18. Sounds nice for me. But we also work with the lore from the server. Still what happens after a meteor hits our random world, everything could happen any maybe something shows up. Excuse me for late answer.
  19. So there will be squids.

  20. We have lost the control point!

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