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The Fact Core

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by The Fact Core

  1. Graveyards can be spooky, just building them would be nice without actually adding corpses into the chest from players. So much roleplay could be done, by necromancers or just by mad people. etc.
  2. I'm a sandwich with delicious sos

    1. Desires
    2. Sky


      Mind if I take a bite?

  3. If anyone saw a chicken in the game, staring at you the whole time, just run away before it transforms into a Apparition

  4. Stahp with that Space Man thing.

    1. HuskyPuppy


      Spooky scary skeletons sends shivers down your spine!

    2. seannie
  5. My family killed orcs!

  6. Should I rebuild the Spire of Curiosity again? (Never forget Benbo)

    1. oblivionsbane


      Build something we can destroy.

    2. Shadeleaf


      Ladies and gents, the player-base

    3. ToenailTickler



  7. I really found a picture, that really looks like a Harbinger and not a Nazgul!

  8. Moved to denied Events. New Event has been suggested and accepted by op.
  9. Harbingers are pretty like flowers in the sunlight under the moon.

    1. A Spooky Witch

      A Spooky Witch

      And wonderful to have conversation with when they don't feel like killing xD

  10. *Slowly starts Questline* /On/

  11. Aah! So you want to take part into the event I make? Because it's about a tree but -more- too. It's not under the water and more inside a Ice Castle where the event will be. I already have like three groups of players which attend, I would love to if you will be my 4. group. Send me a PM and I could tell you more!
  12. The Monk Market could be used for that, changing it into the festival style (Flowers or what ever you want) and there you go. Or what ever lovation, the event looks simple enough to be done easily.
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