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The Fact Core

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by The Fact Core

  1. I hope everyone had fun at the conclave attack.

    1. ixTec


      1/10. Died to fall damage.

  2. I hope everyone had fun at the kralta battle.

  3. What happened to LOTC BC? thingy

    1. Lego XBOX

      Lego XBOX

      I have taken a break from developing it for a while after 5 months of doing it ever week. It will come back at some point...

    2. Fredfort (jens6851)
  4. Oh, i like those beings! We really made some events before, (some time ago), where those beasts like them appeard in towns.
  5. Doctor Freeman~~~~~~~~~~

  6. If anyone loves to play with a spooky old man, come to me.

  7. A wise man once said, don't eat the cookie, eat the cake instead.

    1. Dreek


      can i have cookie cake instead? :^)

    2. domainoft


      The cake is a lie.

  8. Name: The Oogie Boogie Man Race: I have no idea, my body moved through so many things. Gender: I'm not a woman. Age: Over 200, i forgot to count after that because it's useless. Subject you wish to teach: The Unknown darkness, the dark arts, which means i'm not talking about necromancy, i want to talk about the subject in a whole! The people in Anthos know nothing about it, i might look evil and my past maybe is some kind of evil but that's my style! Why not show them what i know! Years of experience in that field of study: Since, the first time my "friends" appeard. Reason you wish to teach at our College: People don't know what that dark artifact is? Show it to me and i tell you! People don't know what unknown darkness awaits? Show me it! I'm always hungry for knowledge, so you are too, i want to share with the people, my dark mind i earned so far. I'm not a friend, of writing to much, so i make it simple, enjoy my style, enjoy my knowledge so i share with you too, because i'm the gamblin' man. The unknown, always awaits us, my friend. Signed with much love, The Oogie Boogie Man ((OOC)) Username: Timelord_Lalve Skype Name: TheFactCore
  9. Wake up and smell the ashes. -Pedo Smile-

  10. We will see, about that!

  11. Time, doctor freeman?

    1. Quavinir_Twiceborn



      *Gordon Freeman sentence.*

    2. Gwonam_Blaze


      Is it really that time again?

    3. Carguy


      blah blah mister freeman, blah blah

  12. Now, listen carefully my dear...

    1. Desires
    2. Britfirefox


      If you want me to listen, you will have to sign these documents.

  13. Rise and shine.

    1. Z3r05t4r


      Mr. Freeman. It seems like you have only just arrived.

    2. Neri


      Wake up, mister Freeman. Wake up and smells the ashes.

    3. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      You know nothing, G-Man.

  14. Lesson learned, never appear as a Harbinger at the Orc lands or you get hunted down with trees.

    1. Z3r05t4r


      Silus wants a second duel :P

    2. VonAulus


      Um what did u expect kid?

  15. I am not a Moron! -Wheatley

    1. NomadGaia


      Space! - The Space Core

    2. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      "SPACE - SPACE...GOTTA GO TO SPACE..." -The Space Core

    3. OhDeerLord


      -makes insane growly noises- - Anger Core

  16. What is is exactly, that you have been created? Can you even name one thing? -Dr. Wallace Breen

  17. Welcome, welcome to city 17!

    1. Samoblivion


      You have chosen, or been chosen, to relocate to one of our finest remaining urban centres.

  18. ((Good idea and hopefully it will be some sort of...VERY weird magic style.))
  19. The Oogie Boogie Man: "I like it and i want more of them! Enjoy a good hunt and hopefully we never meet in a fight because that would end in paying me your soul!" he smiles arkwardly before he turns away back into the strange mountain he came from.
  20. Oh, it's you, it was a long time...how have you been? I was busy being dead, after you murdered me!

  21. I create a new character called Gordon Freeman. Which means i say not a single word. :3


  23. Why would the evil show their evil plans to the public? I mean come on... :D

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