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The Fact Core

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by The Fact Core

  1. New players are always melting my frozen heart.

    1. craotor


      I hate every single one of the new players. Everyone who joined after me is new

    2. Hunter (sckolar)
  2. SSsh, Sasha, is asleep!

  3. firespirit is now event team head, what a twist!

  4. http://i.imgur.com/tCWQ1As.png I knew it, now the staff is cloning!!!
    1. Evilbanana5757


      They had to spread the workload somehow... ;~;

  5. Tonight your ass will be visited by three Ghosts. My Foot, my other foot...and a GHOST!

  6. I don't want to see in a ooc post, what is happening, i want to see it ingame, in roleplay.

    1. Garukumus



    1. Cryptix


      Nice texture pack. Oh and those crystals look nice too.

  8. I feel awesome, because i started to build a ice castle.

  9. Anyone want to see a gigantic Ice Castle?

    1. MonkeyCoffee
    2. Lym


      Only if it contains 101% more frost witches

  10. Uhm, this server is called lord of the craft...i like the idea and a lot would enjoy such a thing. But i dont know...where we can poot up a giant mountain of nowhere.
  11. And so i start, with my character profile writings.

  12. ~Albaba the Witch~ The Quest lady of Malinor Full Name: Albaba Alkatrazantis Elberndenz Gender: Female Age: 1139 Albaba was born in a order of old and wise Witches, which the name is unknown. Those witches were able to create brooms, which could fly in the air and transport the witches to every location on the world in seconds. The Location of the order is also unknown, it wasn't Aegis or the other realms, the realm from the witches is unknown, but Albaba sometimes mentioned that there were floating islands everywhere, which also explains why the witch order created the brooms. Albaba was not the only witch born in the order, Albebe, her sister was also born in the order but the two sisters were never really good friends because Albaba wanted to help for good and Albebe just wanted to harm the good... Albaba already started to learn in her youngest age of 137 how to control the air and made her first broom, which she named "Benbed". In the age of 237, 100 years after her magical training inside the witch order she started to fly out of the realm into the world and explore it with her broom. On her journey into the big world, Albaba saw the most disgusting and interesting creatures ever, but she never was a witch who wanted to cast her magical powers, because if she tries, sometimes it could go wrong since she was always a very clumsy witch. That's also explains, why she rarely uses her magical powers to solve problems. Her own style is, to use as less magic as possible. Albaba owned a good hearth, she never could harm a living being, but she can defend herself if she need to. And so, after a very long journey, she flew into a storm, where her broom losed it's direction and so she ended up in Anthos. Her first crash was in Malinor, into a tree, where her broom almost broke in parts. But good people helped the witch so she could fly over and explore the land called Anthos. After some years in Anthos, she wanted to fly over to the dangerous north...but the cold wind wasn't good for the old lady. A heavy wind, blowed the witch and her broom, her bad and her cat away, back to the place she first appeard, in Malinor. And so it happened, her broom broke and she wasn't able to repair it without a simple magical artifact which she lost with the storm. But that wasn't the only Artifact Albaba lost, her whole bag with all her magical Artifacts is lost...somewhere in Anthos. She decided to stay in Malinor as long as she can't return back to her home realm and she needed the help from the people of Anthos to find her artifacts back and the evil, which is banned in some of those...
  13. If god had wanted you to live, he wouldn't of created me!

    1. The Best Basileus

      The Best Basileus

      Impious imp. You will pay for this heresy.

  14. Being on the dark side is the best choice ever.

    1. Samoblivion


      Only by tredding the grrey line can one know the true nature of the force. LONG LIVE DARTH TRAYA!

  15. What i do in my freetime
  16. May the dark side be with you.

    1. Lark


      You mean the Lark side. Get it right.

  17. Building a WTF Tower on the server.

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