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The Fact Core

Creative Wizard
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Everything posted by The Fact Core

  1. Amnesia Event

    1. monkeypoacher
    2. Trouvo


      What event? I dont remember that event!

  2. The Gman is watching us

  3. I like it, i personally play since i use dark arts magic that my character always hurts himself if he plays with dolls, that's why he is physically weak but mentally strong...but still crazy... Fact is, i like this. What i believe is soul puppetry corruption (Or how i play it): I guess, the subtypes of dark arts are similar in their corruption.
  4. Congrats: Monkeycoffee, Jistuma, Gronkk/Aislin, iseemoosego, Fiend, Kalameet and Senda (Puh...)...you are now one of us!

    1. SkyyoBee


      Congrats guys! Welcome to the team.

    2. BrandNewKitten


      You all are now fish.

    3. BrandNewKitten


      Joking. I am only fish here.

  5. Of course! Yes Yes! Funny Magic! I'm so gonna make my character grow a beard for that.
  6. 01010100 01110010 01100101 01100101

  7. Evil...the evil is everywhere...

  8. A disease for mages i guess? Sounds interesting for me.
  9. Dat Picard these days..

  10. My Space Magic happened again.

  11. Making a cult, where you pray to a troll god. "And i don't mean the -creature- troll."

    1. Shorsand


      I thought that was called 'Oren'?

    2. Dyrr


      Lol Shorsand. That comment made my day!

  12. Well, it looks like my space magic just crashed minecraft totally. Sorry my fault.

  13. Space Wizard of Space and Time.

  14. If the magic gets accepted
  15. I stalk players with pumpkins...that event is so creepy...

  16. Wow, nice reason and awesome idea! Love it too~
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