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About mitto

  • Rank
    my slime
  • Birthday 06/10/1998

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    white male

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  1. i want people who are getting shot at in there own country to have a nice normal life get a job and raise their kids respectfully in my country. **** patriotism, i support other humans

    1. Will (TauFirewarrior)

      Will (TauFirewarrior)

      I support the moving of those genuinely displaced, so long as they respect the democracy and freedoms they are given by coming to the UK. But there are those who come to this Country for the specific reason to incite hatred and dissent in the UK and I believe they should be disallowed entry no matter where they came from.

    2. mitto
    3. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      I'd prefer my capital remain my own.

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