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Posts posted by Dyrr

  1. Do you believe the server is in such a state that something as radical as a staff purge is necessary? So long as the applications get done and the modreqs get answered I don't think this is that needed. At least whenever I log on I only see 1-2 modreqs that need to be answered and I have not seen applications pile up from more than a day or so. I do not believe this is a good idea as the costs of training new staff would far outweigh any benefits that might come out of it.


    Every time I make a modreq, the only 2 people who've answered them REALLY fast are you and Crayfishchris. I've literally waited hours before, for a modreq to be completed whilst there are up to 4 GM's online.


    +1 to this post, but I don't feel ALL of the staff should be purged. Only some.

  2. Everyone's human, and let's face it... humans can do pretty stupid stuff sometimes. I feel people who have acted on their emotions without thinking (such as pugsying, harassing someone in anger) should be forgiven, because nobody's perfect. A lot of people of the people who have been banned should have the opportunity to show LotC that they can handle themselves maturely.

  3. Did you just say its hard to determine if someone uses kill-aura? You mean that no one will notice that they are killing just as many allies as enemies and that they are hitting people standing out of sight? No knockback, another OP as **** hack, is extremely easy to notice because they'll never fly back when you sprint-hit them. Lockview I'm not sure about. No-fire is obvious when you use a firesword or lava trap. Most PVP hacks are a million miles away from subtle.


    I don't know to much about hacks and etc, but I mean anyone could say 'Hey! He used kill-aura, or no-knockback!', but how can you get proof of their actions? Unless the person who's hacking recorded the pvp, but if the person who died recorded it, the hacker could just say 'You were lagging, I guess that's why you didn't get knocked back!' or something like that in his/her defense.

  4. b/c this is minecraft, Having a two hour type fest and power gaming fest isnt any fun. PVP is part of the minecraft medium. AKA it was deemed most fair by the GM's/Admin team (s) 


    Meh... I agree that some people don't want to sit there typing for two hours... but first of all, I don't ever think I've ever been in an RP-fight situation that was dragged out to that extent. And secondly, IMO I feel pvp is not fair because let's face it... people with sucky PC's can't pvp. I had to play on a PC for a few months where I got no more than 8 fps (With optifine installed.) , and I couldn't ever really hit someone. The computer I normally use though is really great, as I average atleast 300 fps with optifine, 120 without optifine. Even then, I still do bad sometimes. And people can do something equal to power-gaming, in pvp. It's called hacking. People can hack on LotC easily and not get caught, as it's pretty hard to determine if someone is using kill-aura or something like that. I myself don't hack, but I know some people are hacking on LotC as of now.

  5. Please do this. As much as I personally enjoy having a Halfling town, right now Anthos is dead. Any new players are simply going to experience confusion or think the server is not active. 


    I can't even imagine the level of work that is shaken up on the staff side. However the fast opening of the Fringe led to this moment. The player base has mostly moved and any of us that didn't want to move are forced to if we actually want to roleplay.


    Currently the amount of roleplay is really strong in the Fringe. The smaller map contributes hugely to this and I'm seeing skirmishes nearly every day and there is a busy world atmosphere because of this new world's size.


    Yep... all of the new players who come on not knowing about the fringe probably are all leaving since I've seen countless messages in OOC from new players saying 'I just walked all the way to Abresi and saw no one on the way or there... where is everyone???' and other things like that. Please kill off Anthos. Please. The fringe is less open and rp isn't as spread out. And now you don't have to walk for nearly 15 minutes to go to a different race's city!

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