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Posts posted by Dyrr

  1. I'm a proficient tinker and it still takes 5 hours and 10 minutes to create one gunpowder. That means it takes exactly 11 days to create all of the gunpower; 1 day and 6 hours to make the tnt itself w/ the gunpowder as proficient. To make one explosive arrow takes 12 days and 6 hours. Holy ****.

  2. Vrog'Lur observes the fight, watching Phaedrus slay the Knight.


    "Da lat-.." he stops himself, realizing his mistake. "Nub.. Da Rex iz victuriyuz.."


    "Hi rizked beung flat en diz klomp und hi nub evun hirt. Mi um nuw pruud tu cull Phaedruz Rex, fur hi huz shuwn muni hunur und bruviry in diz klomp.." he says whilst walking back with the rest of the Uruks.

  3. *A note is pinned near the advertisement.*


    "I want to buy it, send me a bird. Otherwise, I'll send you one sometime."


                                                                                                               ~Corvus Imyvas



    (I'll be on tomorrow, since I'm getting off for the night.)

  4. hmjZ56v.png




    A note is left at the Goldhand clan hall's entrance


    "Finian Goldhand has decided to go on a spiritual journey for the Brathmordakin. As he was the Clan Father, I Balin Goldhand, am stepping up to fulfill the position of Clan Father for the Goldhands."


    [OOC: KarmaDelta (Finian Goldhand) has decided to leave LotC until further notice. The Goldhand clan has discussed and we have decided I shall be the Clan Father until Karma's possible return.]


    MC Name: PJTipz


    Character Name:  Conan Breckenbridge


    Age: 23


    Profession:Legion member (warrior)


    Have you read the clan history? (Please actually read through it): Yes


    Short Bio:  


    Conan Breckenbridge comes from a semi-  typical dwarven family. His father, Remond Breckenbridge, is a Mountain dwarf lumberjack and respected member of The Grandaxe  Clan. His mother, Aednat Goldhand is a lonely women, who spends her days trapped in doors due to a "unknown" illness. 

    Ever since his toddler years, Connan has been skilled with a axe, therefore giving him his name "Conan"  the Irish name for "Little warrior". In the coming years he plans on joining a clan and earning himself a reputation of a great warrior. Where he got this skill -well, where he likes to assume he got it- is from the god Dungrimm  , since his family haven`t had a great warrior in centuries, the god took pity on them, and gave them a warrior with amazing axe skill. The last great warrior was Conan`s great great grandfather who (from what his father has told him) was a amazing warrior who contributed greatly in The Great Collapse.He and his family are located in a mountain settlement in Kal`Domhain like most other mountain dwarves. Just a month ago now, Conan got his first sense of fighting in a real battle. His father had managed to persuade the higher members of the grandaxe clan to allow him to fight in a battle against humans (which took place on march 15th 2015). In the battle, Conan demonstrated amazing skill, but also nearly died many a time


    What are your characters ambitions? (become famous merchant, head guard, etc.): To become a amazing fighter who`s name is put into myths and legends 


    What kind of experience are you looking for in this clan? (friendship, rp experience, etc): Friendship


    What clan member are you related to, and do you have permission to roleplay as their relative, son, or daughter, or where you bloodbonded?: My mother was Aednat Goldhand

    Do you swear your loyalty to the Goldhand Clan, and to carry out the honor and pride of the clan?:Yes







    A note is left under the application.

    "Accepted. Ah checked through tha records an' you seem legitimate."

  6. In Urguan, Balin Goldhand hears rumors at his shop of Salvians not returning after going into the mountains. "Maybeh se'm people'll go lookin' fer 'em. Maybeh they'll need sem swords. Ah better make sem mer jost in case thay wont teh buy aneh!"

  7. To be honest, I really like how the FT system is right now. Though one thing I was thinking of was maybe add more cities to the FT such as Khalestine, Salvus, and etc. That would really help people get to those places that are generally far away, and would have the city's inhabitants experience more RP.



    Also, what resource pack is that if I may ask?

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