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Posts posted by Dyrr

  1. MC Name: Noqda


    Character Name: Balin Goldhand


    Age: 54


    Profession: Merchant, though I have skill in architecture.


    Have you read the clan history? (Please actually read through it): Yes, I have.


    Short Bio: Balin Goldhand was born from Nurak Goldhand and an Irongut female. At a young age his father and mother were rarely in his life, so to get by he would be forced to work or look for minas. Because of his need for money, he slowly became a workaholic, and loved to earn minas whenever he could. He has skills in trading, barter and architecture as well as being a decent fighter.


    What are your characters ambitions? (become famous merchant, head guard, etc.): Become a successful merchant and possibly own a construction company some day.


    What kind of experience are you looking for in this clan? (friendship, rp experience, etc): Friendship, RP, fun.


    What clan member are you related to, and do you have permission to roleplay as their relative, son, or daughter, or where you bloodbonded?: Nurak Goldhand.


    Do you swear your loyalty to the Goldhand Clan, and to carry out the honor and pride of the clan?: Yes I do.

  2. The badlands is not intended for roleplay, if you wish to roleplay a hostile land of people eager to kill you is not a location you should find yourself very often.


    I wasn't talking about how people would RP there, I was talking about how it will draw people out of Athera to PvP in the Badlands instead of RP'ing in the main world.


    Also Heff, the reason there aren't hackers being banned on LotC often is because LotC has absolutely no anti-cheat plugin. I've seen many hackers on LotC, especially when I was MT going around in vanish to record footage and take pictures. I've gotten a couple people banned in the past as well, but the victims of most hackers have to be recording them (or spam taking screenshots, which will usually result in their pixely demise) in order to get them banned and whatnot. Does everyone record when they PvP? No. They don't, because for many people recording will drop the game's FPS, which is a valuable resource in PvP combat.


    Quit acting like a troll and have an educated discussion with the rest of us. If you don't know why I am calling you a troll right now, compare your post with (most) others on this thread.

  3. This sounds cool and all, but my only concern is wouldn't this draw RP and players out of Athera and into the Badlands instead..? (As in, taking people out of main RP points like cities, roads and etc and bringing it to the Badlands instead.)


    Also, I agree with Jistuma's concerns 100%.

  4. As a victim of much villain RP and a villain myself on a couple characters, I strongly agree with this because it develops both your character and the victim's character a **** ton. Whenever I play my villains, I try to create as much roleplay as possible, ensuring it's enjoyable for them as well. I sort of expect the same when roleplaying the victim as well, though that's not always the case.

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